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Descendants of John Morse



Generation No. 1


1.  JOHN1 MORSE was born February 12, 1769 in Stoughton,  MA1, and died Bef. 1821 in Grand Manan, NB2.  He married POLLY CASTLE February 12, 1789 in Stoughton,  MA3.  She was born Abt. 1770 in Stoughton,  MA4, and died Bef. 1860 in Milbridge,  ME5.


Notes for JOHN MORSE:

The origin of this branch of the Morse Family has not been fully determined.  It has been said John Morse and his family of eight first came to Grand Manan in 1802. They were certainly of the Island by the year 1807, As this was the year that John Morse petitioned the  Crown for 200 acres on Grand Manan Island. See Provincial Archives of New Brunswick (PANB) Series RS108 under Charlotte County Land Petitions 1807 PANB Film # F4171 Petition # 367.  John Morse’s petition for land on Grand Manan stated he had a wife and eight children. He and many others petitioned under Frederick Foster. The list of petitioners was reviewed by Dr. Faxon who underscored the names of those who were unworthy.  His review was dated July 26, 1806. John Morse was deemed unworthy. The petition was signed, dated and filed November 8, 1807. See PANB Series RS686 Land Grants Volume "E" page 228 Grant # 560 where John Morse was granted 200 acres on November 24, 1810. However the on-line PANB Land Grant Index states John Morse received 100 acres. I think I can explain the difference of 100 acres. See PANB Film F-5180 Charlotte Co. Land Transfers (1802-1819) volume D, page 111 where  John Morse, yeoman,sells one half of lot # 240 or 100 acres to Samuel Small for 20 pounds 10 shillings. Land butted and bounded by the land of John & Samuel Tibbits on northeasterly side, southeasterly by lot # 28, southwesterly on land owned by David Quigby (sic: should read Quigley) and on the northwesterly side by himself. The deed was made on April 13, 1810, or several months before John Morse received his grant. Tisher Hutch and John Faxon witnessed John Morse sign and seal the instrument. The deed was registered on January 10, 1811 and recorded on January 21, 1811.


See PANB   Film # F-5180 (1802-1819) Volume D:243-1 Where John Dunn, Esq., of St. Andrews, county of Charlotte, NB sell to John Sprague & John Morse, both of Grand Manan Island  for 125 pounds one half of lot #22  or 50 acres of the original 100 acres of the first division of lots granted to Barnabus Rich and by him sold to me, John Dunn on the 22nd of June 1812.


I still need to research the records after 1835 to learn what happened to these lands. A search for probate records for John Morse  was made and none was found.


It has been hypothesized based on name,  place,  and time associations by members of the Morse Society (a society of American & Canadian descendants of Samuel,  Anthony,  William,  Robert and Joseph Morse  &  John Moss ) that the first John Morse of Grand Manan was a native of Stoughton,  Massachusetts and was the son of John-6 Morse (Henry-5,  Joseph-4,  3  ,John-2,  Samuel-1.)  John, who was of the seventh generation,  most likely removed from Stoughton around 1792 to the State of Vermont and then to Grand Manan Island, Charlotte, Co.,  New Brunswick before 1807,  when he petitioned and for a Crown Grant. Here is a clue I have overlooked for 18 years. In a letter dated 25 March 1982 from Arlene Skehan of Gardiner, Maine. She states: "All Saints  Anglican Church, St. Andrews Amity Moorse m. 21April 1818 to James Price" also "Edward Moorse m. Harriet Knight" and Joseph Moorse m. Rebecca Mahee."  " I think this clinches the ancestry of John Morse -7 (the first John Morse of Grand Manan). His great grandparents were Rev. Joseph -4 & Amity (Harris) Morse." This is something I need to chase down


A definite clue that indicates that the Grand Manan Morse originated from Massachusetts is found in the 1850 Census of Millbridge,  Maine.  It states that Mary Morse,  age 81,  was born in Massachusetts.  She was living with her daughter and son-in-law,  John and Mary (Morse) Sprague.


The Morse family,  who had been living in Grand Manan before 1807,  collectively picked up stakes along with the Sprague family and removed to several Narraguagus Townships in western Washington Co.,  Maine between the years 1845 to 1854.  These townships included Millbridge,  Steuben,  Cherryfield & Harrington.  As far as I can determine one Morse family remained behind during the migration.  It was that of William A.  &  Alice Morse.  Evidence shows that at least four male Morse members returned,  David,  Asa Jr.,   Alonzo  & George.  The latter two returned to live out the remainder of their lives. Morse descendants living on Grand Manan  today mostly descend through William, George and Alonzo who were the sons of Asa Sr. Morse.  David and Asa,  Jr. who were the sons of John stayed only briefly and returned to Washington Co. after 1860  The wife of Alonzo ,  who was a son of Asa, Sr.,   and who drowned in the Bay of Fundy,  returned to Steuben before the drowning in 1886 and lived with her daughter Clara. This will be discussed later.


A State of Maine death certificate states that the father of Henry Owen Morse (My direct line of descent,)  was Benjamin  H.  Morse (born @ Grand Manan about. 1819.)  He married Harriet Johnston @ Grand Manan on 11 August 1838.  The 1850 Census of Millbridge suggests that she was born in N.B. in 1817.  Also listed in this census under Benjamin H. are Elizabeth B., age 11, and Henry O., age 8.  (Henry Owen Morse was my great grandfather.)


The 1850 Census of Washington County Maine shows there were two elder Morse males who would be the father  of the 10 younger male Morse listed in that census.  They were John living in Cherryfield and Asa Sr. living in Steuben.  Based on circumstantial evidence,   Asa Sr. is the logical choice to have been the father of Benjamin H. Morse.  In 1876,  Asa Morse, Sr. Deeded land to Benjamin H.’s daughter Ida E. Tracy.  It is more likely  that Asa would have had  a land transaction with his granddaughter than his great niece.   A second Benjamin with the initial W. was in Cherryfield for the 1860 census living two houses down from the elder John Morse.  This Benjamin W. had several land transactions concerning land in Cherryfield on the ridge.  Based on the transactions,  I have no doubt Benjamin W.  was a son of the elder John,  thus strengthening the contention that Benjamin H. was the son of the elder Asa Morse.  Asa Sr. Morse married Hannah Gray,  b. in N.B. in the year 1802.


Based on census records and land transactions,  Asa & Hannah’s male children would include,  Benjamin H.,  Enoch,  George ,  Alonzo,  Daniel for sure & most likely William, who never left Grand Manan.  William & George married sisters.  Brothers are more likely to marry sisters rather than cousins.


John Morse and his wife ,  Margaret  based on census and land transactions had the following sons:  John,  Jr.,  Asa,  Jr.,  Benjamin W.,  David  & James W.


Those of you who desire  information concerning my sources (Vital Statistics,  deeds,  probate or whatever) contact me at:


In time I hope to find the town in Vermont that the family removed to about 1792.  (note:  Asa born ca. 1795 is enumerated in the 1850, 1860 & 1870 census as having been born in the State of Vermont.)


If you can believe the contention of the Morse Society that the John Morse who settled at Grand Manan was the John Morse from Stoughton, MA. then you can lookup the first 7 generations which are in print.  The Morse Society published two volumes in 1903 & 1905 called "The Morse Genealogy",  compiled by J. Howard Morse & Emily W. Leavitt under the auspices of the Morse Society.   The Morse of interest are found in the section titled Samuel Morse and numbers 1, 2, 32, 142, 382, 857, & 1829.  Where 1829 is John Morse of the 7th generation "who married Polly Castle in Stoughton,  MA and removed to some town in Maine." They ended up in Maine ok but it was a journey that took them first to Vermont, then Canada and finally to Maine.


John Morse Sr.,  according to his Memorial of 1807 (Charlotte Co. # 367 1807 see Frederick Foster Film # F4171-PANB) for  Crown Land Grant stated among other things he had a wife and 8 children. On December 23, 1810 John received his grant (Book E Grant  #560 for 100 acres).  By the time of the 1821 Census of Grand Manan only 4 of his children were enumerated:


1.) John Jr. and wife  Margaret Morse with  with 3 male children under 16.


2.) Eunice and husband Ethyl Smith with a family of 2 males under 16 and 3 females under 16. Living next to brother John.


3.) Asa an wife Hannah Morse with 2 males under  16.


4.) Mary and husband John Sprague, Jr. with 3 males under 16 and 2 females under 16.


John Sr. & Mary Morse were not enumerated.   We know  she lived to at least 1850. John Morse, Sr. may be dead at this point.


There is a possibility that the Patty, wife of David Quigby Jr.(should read Quigley) enumerated with 3 females under 16 is Martha Morse. Her  husband, Elisha Smith is not enumerated. Patty was a common nickname for Martha in those days. David Quigley, Jr. and Patty are next door to John Sprague, Jr.&.his wife Mary,Jr. Morse. This remains to be proven.




Children of JOHN MORSE and POLLY CASTLE are:

2.        i.    JOHN2 MORSE, JR., b. Abt. 1789, Stoughton,  MA; d. Aft. 1870, Cherryfield,  ME.

3.       ii.    MARY MORSE, b. November 19, 1792, Stoughton,  MA; d. Aft. 1860, Milbridge,  ME.

4.       iii.    ASA MORSE, b. Abt. 1795, Vermont; d. Aft. 1876, Cherryfield,  ME.

         iv.    MARTHA MORSE, b. Abt. 1797, Vermont6; d. Unknown, Grand Manan; m. ELISHA SMITH, October 13, 1814, Western  Isles,  Charlotte Co., NB; b. Abt. 1800; d. Unknown.



Concerning the 1814 Marriages of Elisha & Ethel Smith to Martha and Eunice Morse respectively.


Charlotte County is one of the original counties established for New Brunswick in 1785. There were  7 original parishes that were created in 1786:  Pennfield,  Saint Andrews,  Saint David,  Saint George,  Saint Patrick,  Saint Stephen and West Isles . Campobello and Grand Manan were set off from West Isles in 1803 and 1816 respectively. With this in mind Grand Manan was apart of West Isles until 1816. Therefore if a marriage was stated as having occurred in West Isles in 1814 it could have been performed in Grand Manan or Deer Isle. There lies the confusion of the Smith brothers marriages to the Morse sisters. Although the register for these two 1814 marriages state that  all were of West Isles, they were all actually of Grand Manan.



5.       v.    EUNICE MORSE, b. Abt. 1799, Vermont; d. Abt. 1841, Grand Manan.

         vi.    ISAAC MORSE, b. Abt. 1800, possibly Grand Manan; d. Aft. 1839, Grand Manan, NB; m. SARAH QUIGLEY, March 04, 1837, Grand Manan6; b. Abt. 1822, Grand Manan, NB; d. Aft. 1837, Grand Manan, NB.


Notes for ISAAC MORSE:

He could be son of John(1) & Polly (Castle).   If so,  he was an older man who married a girl who required permission of parents, or,  he could  be a  son of John(2) & Margaret (Who?) Morse, both could have been under age,  or even more remote is the possibility he was John(1) 's youngest  brother, in which case he would have been a man about 57 years old marrying an under aged girl. For now we'll call him a possible son of John (1) (N.S.W.)


Isaac Morse, yeoman, witnessed the marriage of Wentworth Quigley and Almira Sprague with Freeman Sprague on November 16, 1839.



Generation No. 2


2.  JOHN2 MORSE, JR. (JOHN1) was born Abt. 1789 in Stoughton,  MA7, and died Aft. 1870 in Cherryfield,  ME8.  He married (1) MARGARET ?9 Abt. 1813 in Lubec,  ME10.  She was born Abt. 1798 in Lubec, Washington Co., ME11, and died January 06, 1850 in Cherryfield,  ME12.  He married (2) ELMIRA SPRAGUE Bef. 1860 in Cherryfield,  ME, daughter of JOHN SPRAGUE and MARY MORSE.  She was born Abt. 1819 in Grand Manan, and died Aft. 1870 in Cherryfield,  ME.


Notes for JOHN MORSE, JR.:

See PANB Film # F-5184 (1832-1835) Volume N, page 5.   Deed from David Quigley and wife Rebecca of the Parish of Grand Manan in the County of Charlotte and the Province of New Brunswick, yeoman, for the sum of 27 pounds - 10 shillings paid by John Morse, Jr. of the said Parish, County & Province all that land being part of lot # 61 granted to me the said David Quigley by the Crown in the first division  of lots. Bounded as follows: Southerly by lands granted to Reuben Bingham, easterly by lands granted to Daniel Davis Woodbury, Northerly by lands by part of said lot # 61 deeded to Seth Varner and westerly by the rear of Lot # 61 and to comprise of all said lot # 61 granted to me the said David Quigley lying between the part of said lot deeded Seth Varner and the lot granted to Reuben Bingham called 75 acres Dated 7 October 1826. The deed was received and registered on the 8th of October of 1833.


John Morse Jr. stated in the 1870 Census of Cherryfield, ME that he was born in Vermont. However he is listed as born in NB in the 1850 Census and born in  Massachusetts for the 1860 Census.


John Morse, Jr. was the first  of the Grand Manan Morse to purchase land  immigrating to Washington Co.


See  Washington Co. Deed 75:384 where William Freeman, Jr & his wife Sophia T. grant 51 acres on the Cherryfield Ridge to John Morse for $60. on August 27, 1852.  On 13 June 1866 John Morse Jr. sold this land to Benjamin W. Morse for $1000.  The land is defined further as the Northern half of Lot# P. Besides John the deed was signed by Elmira Morse.


Children of JOHN MORSE and MARGARET ? are:

6.        i.    JOHN3 MORSE, b. January 22, 1816, Grand Manan; d. June 22, 1855, Cherryfield,  ME.

7.       ii.    DAVID MORSE, b. Abt. 1819, Grand Manan; d. Bef. 1900, Harrington,  ME.

8.       iii.    JAMES W. MORSE, b. Abt. October 1820, Grand Manan; d. May 20, 1904, Cherryfield,  ME.

9.      iv.    ASA MORSE, b. Abt. 1825, Grand Manan; d. August 26, 1886, Perry, Washington Co.,  ME.

          v.    ELIZABETH ANN MORSE, b. Abt. 1827; d. Unknown; m. ENOCH GREEN; d. Unknown.

10.     vi.    MARY JANE MORSE, b. Abt. 1829, Grand Manan; d. Unknown.

11.    vii.    BENJAMIN W. MORSE, b. September 03, 1829, Grand Manan; d. June 06, 1884, Cherryfield,  ME.

        viii.    REBECCA MORSE12, b. Abt. September 1833, Grand Manan13; d. April 04, 1854, Cherryfield,  ME14; m. REUEL PHILBROOK14, Aft. 1850, Cherryfield,  ME15; d. Unknown.

         ix.    SUSAN MORSE, b. Abt. 1835, Grand Manan16; d. Aft. 185017.


3.  MARY2 MORSE (JOHN1)18 was born November 19, 1792 in Stoughton,  MA19, and died Aft. 1860 in Milbridge,  ME20.  She married JOHN SPRAGUE Abt. 1810 in Grand Manan21.  He was born February 15, 1789 in Sussex,  Kings County, NB,  Canada22, and died Aft. 1860 in Milibridge, Washington Co.,  ME23.


Children of MARY MORSE and JOHN SPRAGUE are:

           i.    BATEMAN3 SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1810, Grand Manan24; d. May 02, 1834, Grand Manan24.

12.      ii.    AMITY SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1811, Grand Manan; d. Bef. 1850, Milbridge, ME.

13.     iii.    WELLINGTON SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1812, Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick; d. July 08, 1871, Bangor, ME.

14.     iv.    FREEMAN SPRAGUE, b. January 10, 1812, Grand Manan; d. March 04, 1878, Cherryfield,  ME.

          v.    WILSON SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1815; d. Unknown.

15.     vi.    SELINDA SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1818; d. Unknown.

16.    vii.    ELMIRA SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1819, Grand Manan; d. Aft. 1870, Cherryfield,  ME.

        viii.    RUBY ANN SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1821; d. Unknown; m. LEONARD WORMELL, April 10, 1836, Grand Manan24; d. Unknown.

17.     ix.    JOHN WILLIAM SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1823; d. Unknown.

18.     x.    SALATHIEL SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1824, Grand Manan; d. Aft. 1850.

         xi.    HOWARD SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1825, Grand Manan; d. Aft. 1880, Veazie, ME; m. MARY JANE NASH, October 11, 1846, Harrington, ME; b. Abt. 1825, Harrington,  ME; d. Aft. 1880, Veazie, ME.

        xii.    CHARLES E. SPRAGUE, b. June 22, 1827, Grand Manan; d. Unknown; m. MARY A., Abt. 1850, Milbridge,  ME; b. Abt. 1833; d. Unknown.

        xiii.    ISAIAH SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1830; d. Unknown.

       xiv.    EBENEZER SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1832; d. Unknown.


4.  ASA2 MORSE (JOHN1) was born Abt. 1795 in Vermont25, and died Aft. 1876 in Cherryfield,  ME26.  He married HANNAH GRAY December 02, 1818 in Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick27.  She was born Abt. 1802 in Bellisle, King's Co., New Brunswick, and died Aft. 1881 in Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick.


Notes for ASA MORSE:

See PANB Film # F5183 (1829-1832) Charlotte County, NB Volume L:127 where Wellor Chapman and his wife Mary, both of the Island, Parish of Grand Manan, County of Charlotte, sell to Asa Morse, of the same place, for 30 pounds, part of lot # 57 of the first division that was granted to me, the said Chapman, by the Crown boarded Northerly by Smith's Mill Stream, that is called the Morse and Sprague Brook, easterly on land granted to Barnabus Rich # 22 and southerly on land conveyed by me by  Enock Bard, that is part of this same lot # 57 and westerly on the second division of lots which is the westerly line of said #57.all together 75 acres. The date of the transaction was September 10, 1827. The deed was Registered and recorded on the 6th of August 1831.


Children of ASA MORSE and HANNAH GRAY are:

19.      i.    BENJAMIN H.3 MORSE, b. Abt. 1817, Grand Manan; d. Aft. 1860.

20.      ii.    GEORGE MORSE, b. Abt. 1821, Grand Manan; d. October 12, 1902, Grand Manan.

21.     iii.    WILLIAM A. MORSE, b. Abt. 1823, Grand Manan; d. Abt. 1897, Maine.

22.     iv.    ENOCH G. MORSE, b. Abt. 1826, Grand Manan; d. Aft. 1860.

23.     v.    LYDIA MORSE, b. Abt. 1826, Grand Manan; d. Aft. 1860.

         vi.    ANGELINE MORSE28, b. 1834, Grand Manan29; d. 1860, Steuben,  ME29.

24.    vii.    DANIEL K. MORSE, b. January 28, 1836, Grand Manan; d. May 23, 1918, Milbridge,  ME.

25.   viii.    ALONZO MORSE, b. February 01, 1838, Grand Manan, NB; d. February 20, 1886, Bay of Fundy,  NB.

26.     ix.    ELIZABETH JANE MORSE, b. Abt. 1842, Grand Manan; d. April 15, 1884, Unionville,  ME.

27.     x.    HANNAH MORSE, b. April 10, 1843, Grand Manan; d. September 1928, So. Portland, Cumberland Co., ME.


5.  EUNICE2 MORSE (JOHN1) was born Abt. 1799 in Vermont, and died Abt. 1841 in Grand Manan.  She married ETHEL SMITH July 05, 1814 in Western Isles Parish of Charlotte Co., NB30.  He was born Abt. 1800 in Western Isles, Charlotte Co.,  NB, and died Abt. 1839.


Notes for ETHEL SMITH:

Drowned on a trip  from Eastport in 1839.


Children of EUNICE MORSE and ETHEL SMITH are:

28.      i.    ETHEL3 SMITH, b. Abt. 1825, Grand Manan, NB; d. Aft. 1880, Cherryfield,  ME.

          ii.    ANN SMITH, d. Unknown; m. JAMES CRONK, October 01, 1836, Grand Manan; d. Unknown.

         iii.    JAMES SMITH, d. Unknown; m. FLORA URQUHART, September 08, 1844, Grand Manan; d. Unknown.

         iv.    MARGARET SMITH, d. Unknown; m. WILLIAM KENT, December 24, 1850, Grand Manan; d. Unknown.

          v.    EUNICE SMITH, d. Unknown; m. CHISHOLM URQUHART, September 08, 1844, Grand Manan; d. Unknown.



Generation No. 3


6.  JOHN3 MORSE (JOHN2, JOHN1) was born January 22, 1816 in Grand Manan31, and died June 22, 1855 in Cherryfield,  ME31.  He married ELEANOR TENAN Abt. 1847 in Cherryfield,  ME32.  She was born Abt. 1825 in Cherryfield,  ME33, and died Aft. 186034.


Notes for JOHN MORSE:

John, 3rd was living with his father for the 1850 Census of Cherryfield, ME


Children of JOHN MORSE and ELEANOR TENAN are:

           i.    WILLIAM E.4 MORSE, b. Abt. 1849, Cherryfield,  ME35; d. March 26, 1915, Cherryfield,  ME36.

29.      ii.    RODNEY M. MORSE, b. September 08, 1851, Cherryfield,  ME; d. July 17, 1927, Portland, Cumberland Co.,  ME.

30.     iii.    FRANCES E. MORSE, b. Abt. 1853, Cherryfield,  ME; d. April 20, 1920, Addison, Washington Co., ME.


7.  DAVID3 MORSE (JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1819 in Grand Manan37, and died Bef. 1900 in Harrington,  ME38.  He married LUCINDA W. NASH August 25, 1846 in Harrington, ME39.  She was born Abt. October 1823 in Harrington,  ME40, and died May 12, 1909 in Harrington,  ME.


Notes for DAVID MORSE:

David Morse never purchased land in Washington Co. It is assumed that he came from Grand Manan at the same time as the other members of his Family in the middle 1840s.  He married Lucinda Nash about 1847 and was enumerated in Harrington, ME with Lucinda's mother and father for the 1850 census.


See Washington Co. Deed  94:168/9 dated  14 September 1857 Wm. Freeman, Jr. sells Asa Morse 25 acres land bordered by Benjamin and David Morse.  This land is on the Cherry field Ridge and is labled the "McKinney lot."

David is not enumerated in Washington Co. for the 1860 census but is listed in the 1861 census at Grand Manan.  He and Asa, Jr, who also returned to Grand Manan for the 1861 census were listed as Fishermen and were members of the Baptist Church.  William A. Morse was listed as a member of the Episcopal Church. David and his family returned to Washington Co. by the 1870 and is enumerated in Harrington where he lived to the end of his life. The 1881 Washington Co. Atlas shows David Morse living on land in Harrington next to the Nash Family.


The Morse family members came to the Narraguagus area of Washington Co. about the mid 1840s.  The earliest Washington Co. deed transaction for a Morse of this family is 1852.  This indicates that these Morse family members were all allowed to settle on the land of William Freeman, Jr. until they could afford to purchase their own land.  The fact that John, Sr., John Jr., Benjamin, David, Asa, & James all settled in close proximity on the ridge in Cherryfield suggest strong family ties and it is very probable that the latter five are sons of John, Sr.


The  2 Morse brothers John and Asa, sons of John Morse Sr.  had  eleven male  & six female offspring  that we can account for. The six females are easy they were living in their respective homes during the 1850 census. John, Jr. removed from Grand Manan in the middle or so 1840s to Cherryfield, ME.  Asa Sr. moved about the same time to Steuben, ME.  One of the eleven male offspring, William A.,  remained behind at Grand Manan and live there all his life. George, Asa, Jr., David and Alonzo returned to Grand Manan. Asa Jr and David returned to Washington Co. ME shortly after returning to the Island and George & Alonzo lived the rest of their lives at the Island.


At the time of the 1850 census of Washington Co. John the 3rd was living with his father.  George, Enoch,  Alonzo and Daniel K. were living with their father Asa Sr.  An Enoch G. was living with Asa Sr. in 1860. So there are six males left to assign.


The only way to sort these six out was through Washington Co. Deeds.


James W.  & Benjamin W.  were enumerated with John II very close to each other on the ridge in Cherryfield for the 1860 census. John III died before the 1860 census.


Children of DAVID MORSE and LUCINDA NASH are:

           i.    LYDIA J.4 MORSE, b. Abt. 1847, Harrington,  ME41; d. Unknown; m. OLIVER S. LOVEL42, January 19, 1872, Harrington, ME42,43; b. Hyannis, MA; d. Unknown.

          ii.    MARY ELIZABETH MORSE, b. Abt. 1853, Harrington,  ME44; d. March 05, 1855, Harrington,  ME45.



Buried at Mill River Cemetery, Harrington, ME, age 1 yr. 11 mos.


         iii.    MARY ANN MORSE, b. Abt. 1856, Harrington,  ME46; d. Unknown; m. JOSEPH MITCHELL47, October 18, 1874, Harrington, ME47; d. Unknown.

         iv.    WILLIAM ARZO MORSE, b. Abt. 1858, Harrington,  ME48; d. Unknown; m. (1) ALZENE SMITH, Abt. 1882, Harrington, ME49; d. Bef. 1886; m. (2) DELLIA BERRY, February 1886, Harrington, ME; b. East Machias; d. Unknown.

31.     v.    LEVI AUGUSTUS MORSE, b. Abt. August 1862, Grand Manan; d. Aft. 1905.


8.  JAMES W.3 MORSE (JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. October 1820 in Grand Manan50, and died May 20, 1904 in Cherryfield,  ME51.  He married (1) CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH SPRAGUE Abt. 1855 in Cherryfield,  ME52, daughter of FREEMAN SPRAGUE and JULIA GRIFFIN.  She was born Abt. 1839 in Grand Manan53, and died August 02, 1861 in Cherryfield,  ME54.  He married (2) LAURA CARTER55 September 06, 1869 in Cherryfield, ME55.  She was born Abt. 1847 in Harrington,  ME56, and died Abt. 1939 in Cherryfield,  ME56.


Notes for JAMES W. MORSE:

On one vital Record James W. Morse states he was born in Lubec, ME.  This strongly suggests he was a son of John Morse, Jr.



           i.    AMBEZIA4 MORSE, b. Abt. November 1853, Cherryfield, ME57; d. February 03, 1854, Cherryfield, ME57.

          ii.    JAMES E. MORSE, b. Abt. 1855, Cherryfield,  ME58; d. Aft. 1860.

32.     iii.    ARTHUR B. MORSE, b. March 29, 1857, Cherryfield,  ME; d. October 22, 1931, Cherryfield,  ME.

         iv.    WILLIAM D. MORSE, b. Abt. 1860, Cherryfield,  ME59; d. Unknown.


Children of JAMES MORSE and LAURA CARTER are:

          v.    JAMES ELMER4 MORSE, b. October 20, 1870, Cherryfield,  ME60; d. Abt. 1956, Cherryfield,  ME61; m. EDITH WHEATLY62, Abt. 1900; b. Abt. February 1879, Cherryfield,  ME63; d. Abt. 1924, Cherryfield,  ME63.

33.     vi.    ELIZABETH M. MORSE, b. Abt. June 1874, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Aft. 1905, Cherryfield,  ME.

34.    vii.    LAFAYETTE MORSE, b. 1875, tombstone; d. 1952, tombstone.

        viii.    MARY ALICE MORSE, b. June 30, 1879, Cherryfield,  ME64; d. Abt. October 1953, Cherryfield,  ME; m. MELVIN YOUNG, Abt. 1900, Cherryfield,  ME; b. Abt. 1875; d. Abt. 1944.

35.     ix.    HARRY C. MORSE, b. July 1883, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Abt. 1944, Cherryfield,  ME.

          x.    EVELYN L. MORSE, b. April 25, 1885; d. October 12, 1974; m. (1) FRED BUNKER; d. Unknown; m. (2) LEONARD A. WILLEY; d. Unknown.


9.  ASA3 MORSE (JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1825 in Grand Manan65, and died August 26, 1886 in Perry, Washington Co.,  ME65.  He married FIDELIA HALL66 January 04, 1850 in Harrington, ME/Int.66.  She was born Abt. 1829 in Harrington,  ME67, and died Abt. 1911 in Perry, Washington Co.,  ME67.


Notes for ASA MORSE:

Asa Jr. lived in several places.  He left Grand Manan in the mid 1840s to Millbridge, ME settled on land  owned by Moses H. Wallace.  He was of  Millbridge for the 1850  census and on land owned by Moses Wallace.  Also on the same property was Benjamin H. Morse and family.


See Washington Co. Deed 87:475/6 dated 5 September 1854 where Asa purchased some of Wallace's land in Millbridge. On November 16, 1855 he mortgaged his home and land to John W. Sprague.  Apparently Asa defaulted and John got the Land. The deed was received on 27 March 1857.


See Washington Co. Deed 81:277 dated 27 April 1854  where Asa purchases 25 acres  on the ridge in Cherryfield from Wm. Freeman, Jr. for $50.. Land known as the McKinney Lot.   This land is next to David and Benjamin Morse's land.


See Washington Co Deed 94:232 dated14 September 1859 where Asa sold  Charlotte E. Morse 2 acres of the land he purchased on 27 April 1854 with the buildings for $6. Charlotte was the wife of James W. Morse. Asa's wife was Fidelia.


See Washington Co. Deed 94:168/9 where Asa of Cherryfield sold to Mehitable Harrington, wife of Wm. Harrington, 23 acres of land for $200., same land  as he purchased from Wm Freeman, Jr. on 27 April 1854, less the 2 acres he sold to Charlotte Morse. Fidelia relinquished  her right of dower.


At this point it looks as if Asa and his family head off to Grand Manan as he is not enumerated in Washington Co for the 1860 census but is found in Grand Manan in the 1861 Census.


He's  back in Millbridge for the 1870 census, but leaves shortly to Hipes Island, NB, where in 1875 he sells the Millbridge property.  In 1876 he is of Eastport when he takes out a mortgage on land in Perry.   Asa made good on the mortgage but in 1886 he deeds the Perry property to his wife Fidelia.  Asa dies shortly there after and Delia dies in 1911. 


The fact that he lived on the Cherryfield Ridge and sold some of his property to James Morse's wife makes a strong case that he was a son of John Morse rather than Asa Morse.


Children of ASA MORSE and FIDELIA HALL are:

           i.    ALBERT E.4 MORSE, b. Abt. 1851, Milbridge, ME68; d. Unknown; m. ANNA FICKETT; d. Unknown.

          ii.    JOHN T. MORSE, b. Abt. 1852, Milbridge, ME68; d. Unknown.

36.     iii.    ALFRED S. MORSE, b. December 08, 1854, Milbridge, ME; d. August 18, 1912, Perry,  ME.

         iv.    MARGARET J. MORSE, b. Abt. 186469; d. Unknown.

          v.    MALCHOLM MORSE, b. Abt. 1867, Milbridge, ME69; d. Unknown.


10.  MARY JANE3 MORSE (JOHN2, JOHN1)70 was born Abt. 1829 in Grand Manan71, and died Unknown.  She married JOHN TENAN Abt. 1847 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He was born Abt. 182472, and died December 09, 1901 in Cherryfield,  ME73.


Notes for JOHN TENAN:

Information about the family of John Tenan provided by Cheryl Bragdon Stauffer,  RR# 2  Box 171,  Gardiner, ME 04345. <> John Tenan is listed in the Census Records of Cherryfield,  ME as Tinney in 1850,  Tenan in 1860 and Tenna in 1870. After that time in appeared as Tenan.  The Census Records also suggest he was born in 1827, 1828 or 1829. His gravestone found in the Willey -Morse Pasture along the Cherryfield Ridge indicates his year of birth at 1824.  This is the date that the SIP files housed at the Maine State Library in August suggest.


It is Family tradition that John Tenan's wife was Mary Jane Morse who was born at Grand Manan according to census Records of Cherryfield,  ME.  One examining the the 1850,  1860 & 1870 Census Records easily realizes that she would be a daughter of John,  Jr. & Margaret Morse. In these 3 census she is living next door to Father and some of her brothers .  Mary Jane's year of birth is stated by the Cherryfield - Narraguagus Historical Society as 1829 according to a letter to Cheryl Stauffer from Margery Brown dated 7 February 1998.


Children of MARY MORSE and JOHN TENAN are:

37.      i.    HENRY O.4 TENAN, b. Abt. 1847, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

          ii.    SIDNEY TENAN74, b. Abt. 185075; d. Aft. 1880.



unmarried in 1880 according to Census.



         iii.    SUSAN J. TENAN76, b. March 11, 1854, Cherryfield,  ME77; d. June 28, 1855, Cherryfield,  ME78.

38.     iv.    SUSAN J. TENAN, b. Abt. 1856; d. Abt. 1927, Cherryfield,  ME.

          v.    ELIZABETH TENAN79, b. Abt. 1858, Cherryfield,  ME80; d. Bef. 187081.

         vi.    JOHN TENAN82, b. Abt. 1860, Cherryfield,  ME83; d. Bef. 188084.

        vii.    EDMUND TENAN85, b. Abt. 1861, Cherryfield,  ME86; d. Unknown; m. EVA DORR; d. Unknown.

        viii.    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TENAN87, b. Abt. 187388; d. Unknown; m. ETTA MERRITT; d. Unknown.


11.  BENJAMIN W.3 MORSE (JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 03, 1829 in Grand Manan89, and died June 06, 1884 in Cherryfield,  ME89.  He married MARY JANE TENAN90 Abt. 1850 in Cherryfield,  ME.  She was born September 26, 1831 in Cherryfield,  ME91, and died March 24, 1894 in Cherryfield,  ME92.



See deed 87:74 where Benjamin W. & his wife Mary Jane Morse  purchased 25 acres of land on the Cherryfield Ridge 0n the 2nd  of September 1856 from William Freeman, Jr.  See deed 93:487/8.  where on 25 September 1856 Benjamin and his wife mortgaged this land through William Freeman, Jr.



In 1850 Mary Jane Tenan is listed as age 19 (b. about 1831).  However her age according to he tombstone calculates that she was born in 1825. It is my conjecture that her birthday is correct as found on her tombstone.  Therefore I am assigning her year of birth as 1831.


Children of BENJAMIN MORSE and MARY TENAN are:

39.      i.    LAURA J4 MORSE, b. August 11, 1850, Cherryfield,  ME; d. June 14, 1884, Cherryfield,  ME.

40.      ii.    EMMA S. MORSE, b. September 01, 1852, Cherryfield,  ME; d. April 01, 1880, Cherryfield,  ME.

         iii.    ELIZA. A. MORSE, b. November 12, 1855, Cherryfield,  ME93; d. February 07, 1880, Cherryfield,  ME93; m. FRED P. WILLEY, August 26, 1879, Cherryfield, ME94; b. Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown, Cherryfield,  ME.


12.  AMITY3 SPRAGUE (MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1811 in Grand Manan, and died Bef. 1850 in Milbridge, ME95.  She married DARIUS GRAY December 27, 1838 in Grand Manan96.  He was born Abt. 1810 in Bellisle, King's Co., New Brunswick97, and died Bef. 1860 in Harrington,  ME98.


Children of AMITY SPRAGUE and DARIUS GRAY are:

           i.    JOHN N.4 GRAY, b. Abt. 184099; d. Unknown.

          ii.    EDWARD GRAY, b. Abt. 184299; d. Unknown.

         iii.    VINAL GRAY, b. Abt. 1843100; d. Unknown.

         iv.    MARINER GRAY, b. Abt. 1844101; d. Unknown.

          v.    MARY E. GRAY, b. Abt. 1847101; d. Unknown.


13.  WELLINGTON3 SPRAGUE (MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1812 in Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick101, and died July 08, 1871 in Bangor, ME.  He married ELIZABETH GRAY September 24, 1834 in Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick102.  She was born October 22, 1819 in Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick, and died July 29, 1895 in Bangor, ME.



Civil War Veteran. Both Wellington & Elizabeth are Buried at the Hope Cemetery in Bangor Maine



           i.    DARIUS D.4 SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1837, Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick; d. Unknown, Milbridge, ME; m. LUCY A. WALLACE, February 17, 1859; d. Unknown.



no issue


41.      ii.    ANDREW S. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1838, Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick; d. May 09, 1897, Bangor, ME.

         iii.    CASWELL SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1841, Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick; d. Unknown.

         iv.    MELVILLE SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1843, Milbridge, ME; d. Unknown.

          v.    ELLEN J. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1847, Milbridge, ME; d. Unknown.

         vi.    HENRIETTA SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1849, Milbridge, ME; d. Unknown.

42.    vii.    JOHN M. SPRAGUE, d. Abt. 1929.

        viii.    HENRY M. SPRAGUE, d. Unknown, Sommerville, MA.

         ix.    NAOMI SPRAGUE, d. Unknown.

          x.    JAMES W. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1853; d. Abt. 1915.



married issue


         xi.    NELLIE SPRAGUE, d. Unknown; m. UNKNOWN MCGLADE; d. Unknown.


14.  FREEMAN3 SPRAGUE (MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born January 10, 1812 in Grand Manan103, and died March 04, 1878 in Cherryfield,  ME103.  He married JULIA ANN GRIFFIN September 11, 1838 in Grand Manan104.  She was born January 17, 1812 in Grand Manan105, and died September 23, 1874 in Cherryfield,  ME105.



43.      i.    CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH4 SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1839, Grand Manan; d. August 02, 1861, Cherryfield,  ME.

44.      ii.    JOHN BATEMAN SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1839, Grand Manan; d. September 17, 1914, Cherryfield,  ME.

         iii.    JAMES A. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1843; d. Unknown.

         iv.    GEORGE W. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1846, Milbridge,  ME; d. Unknown.

45.     v.    AMITY P. SPRAGUE, b. March 17, 1849, Milbridge,  ME; d. April 01, 1875, Cherryfield,  ME.

         vi.    MARTHA SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1851; d. Unknown.

        vii.    GEORGIANA SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1853; d. Unknown.


15.  SELINDA3 SPRAGUE (MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1818, and died Unknown.  She married FREEMAN ELDRIDGE May 11, 1837 in Grand Manan106.  He was born Abt. 1808 in New Brunswick, and died Unknown.



           i.    CLARISSA4 ELDRIDGE, b. Abt. 1841; d. Unknown.

          ii.    WILLIAM H. ELDRIDGE, b. Abt. 1843; d. Unknown.

         iii.    CLARINDA ELDRIDGE, b. Abt. 1852; d. Unknown.

         iv.    LEAH ELDRIDGE, b. Abt. 1854; d. Unknown.


16.  ELMIRA3 SPRAGUE (MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1819 in Grand Manan, and died Aft. 1870 in Cherryfield,  ME.  She married (1) WENTWORTH QUIGLEY November 16, 1839 in Grand Manan106.  He was born Abt. 1815 in Grand Manan, and died Aft. 1855 in Cherryfield,  ME.  She married (2) JOHN MORSE, JR. Bef. 1860 in Cherryfield,  ME, son of JOHN MORSE and POLLY CASTLE.  He was born Abt. 1789 in Stoughton,  MA107, and died Aft. 1870 in Cherryfield,  ME108.



According to gravestone Wentworth died at age 42.  Date of his death is unreadable.  Best guess is that it stated day of death at April 25, 1853.


Notes for JOHN MORSE, JR.:

See PANB Film # F-5184 (1832-1835) Volume N, page 5.   Deed from David Quigley and wife Rebecca of the Parish of Grand Manan in the County of Charlotte and the Province of New Brunswick, yeoman, for the sum of 27 pounds - 10 shillings paid by John Morse, Jr. of the said Parish, County & Province all that land being part of lot # 61 granted to me the said David Quigley by the Crown in the first division  of lots. Bounded as follows: Southerly by lands granted to Reuben Bingham, easterly by lands granted to Daniel Davis Woodbury, Northerly by lands by part of said lot # 61 deeded to Seth Varner and westerly by the rear of Lot # 61 and to comprise of all said lot # 61 granted to me the said David Quigley lying between the part of said lot deeded Seth Varner and the lot granted to Reuben Bingham called 75 acres Dated 7 October 1826. The deed was received and registered on the 8th of October of 1833.


John Morse Jr. stated in the 1870 Census of Cherryfield, ME that he was born in Vermont. However he is listed as born in NB in the 1850 Census and born in  Massachusetts for the 1860 Census.


John Morse, Jr. was the first  of the Grand Manan Morse to purchase land  immigrating to Washington Co.


See  Washington Co. Deed 75:384 where William Freeman, Jr & his wife Sophia T. grant 51 acres on the Cherryfield Ridge to John Morse for $60. on August 27, 1852.  On 13 June 1866 John Morse Jr. sold this land to Benjamin W. Morse for $1000.  The land is defined further as the Northern half of Lot# P. Besides John the deed was signed by Elmira Morse.



           i.    REBECCA4 QUIGLEY, b. Abt. 1840; d. Unknown.

          ii.    DAVID QUIGLEY, b. Abt. 1842; d. December 28, 1862.



Killed in action during Civil War


         iii.    JOHN QUIGLEY, b. Abt. 1847; d. June 19, 1864.



Killed in action during Civil War.


         iv.    LEONARD WILLARD QUIGLEY109, b. Abt. 1851110; d. March 19, 1860, Cherryfield,  ME111.



Willard Quigley must be the child Leonard W. Quigley listed in the 1860 census, age 9.


          v.    WENTWORTH QUIGLEY, b. Abt. 1855; d. Unknown.


17.  JOHN WILLIAM3 SPRAGUE (MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1823, and died Unknown.  He married BATHSHEBA ? Abt. 1849 in Milbridge,  ME.  She was born Abt. 1828, and died Unknown.


Children of JOHN SPRAGUE and BATHSHEBA ? are:

           i.    MARY A.4 SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1849, Harrington,  ME; d. Unknown.

          ii.    EUNICE M. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1851, Harrington,  ME; d. Unknown.

         iii.    EMILY E. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1853, Harrington,  ME; d. Unknown.


18.  SALATHIEL3 SPRAGUE (MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1824 in Grand Manan, and died Aft. 1850.  He married SARAH Abt. 1849.  She was born 1829 in Grand Manan, and died Aft. 1850.



           i.    ROBERT H4 SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1850; d. Unknown.


19.  BENJAMIN H.3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1817 in Grand Manan112, and died Aft. 1860113.  He married (1) HARRIETT JOHNSTON April 07, 1838 in Grand Manan114.  She was born Abt. 1817 in Grand Manan114, and died Aft. 1850115.  He married (2) FILENE ARCHER Abt. 1854.  She was born Abt. 1830, and died Abt. 1858 in Eastport, Washingtom Co.,  ME.  He married (3) JAN J. ? Abt. 1859 in Eastport, ME.  She was born Abt. 1830, and died Bef. 1870.



46.      i.    ELIZABETH MELISSA4 MORSE, b. Abt. 1838, Grand Manan; d. Abt. 1926, Fairfield, Aroostook Co.,  ME.

47.      ii.    HENRY OWEN MORSE, b. November 12, 1842, Grand Manan; d. March 28, 1911, Cherryfield,  ME.



48.     iii.    IDA E.4 MORSE, b. March 12, 1858, Eastport,  ME; d. November 02, 1928, Stacyville, ME.

         iv.    ROBERTA MORSE, b. Abt. 1857, Eastport,  ME116; d. Aft. 1870117.



Living with the Merrill Leighton Family for the 1870 census of Cherryfield, age 13.


Child of BENJAMIN MORSE and JAN ? is:

          v.    WILLIAM K.B.4 MORSE, b. Abt. 1860, Eastport,  ME; d. Unknown.


20.  GEORGE3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1)118 was born Abt. 1821 in Grand Manan119, and died October 12, 1902 in Grand Manan119.  He married (1) ANN F.CHENEY November 15, 1842 in Grand Manan120.  She was born September 22, 1818 in Grand Manan121, and died June 22, 1871 in Grand Manan122.  He married (2) MARIA FRANKLAND Bef. 1881 in Grand Manan123.  She was born 1816 in Grand Manan124, and died May 10, 1896 in Grand Manan124.


Children of GEORGE MORSE and ANN F.CHENEY are:

49.      i.    LEONARD4 MORSE, b. April 28, 1844, Grand Manan; d. July 15, 1910.

          ii.    JANE MORSE, b. Abt. 1847, Grand Manan125; d. Abt. 1929, White Head Island Grand Manan126; m. ISAAC WILSON; d. Unknown.

50.     iii.    WILLIAM JUDSON MORSE, b. Abt. 1852, Steuben,  ME; d. July 10, 1919, Joneport, Washington Co., ME.

         iv.    MELVIN MORSE, b. Abt. 1854, Steuben, ME127; d. Unknown.

51.     v.    NELSON L. MORSE, b. Abt. 1855, Steuben,  ME; d. February 24, 1936, White Head Grand Manan.

52.     vi.    EMERY WILSON MORSE, b. Abt. 1858, Steuben,  ME; d. December 25, 1920, Grand Manan.

53.    vii.    MANTFORD MORSE, b. Abt. 1863, Grand Manan; d. April 21, 1938, Grand Manan.


21.  WILLIAM A.3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1823 in Grand Manan128, and died Abt. 1897 in Maine129.  He married (1) ALICE OLIVIA CHENEY January 13, 1846 in Grand Manan130.  She was born January 30, 1827 in Grand Manan131, and died February 10, 1873 in Grand Manan132.  He married (2) MARGARET ? Bef. 1876.  She died Unknown.



           i.    EMILINE4 MORSE133, b. April 1846, Grand Manan134; d. July 05, 1847, Grand Manan134.

54.      ii.    BARBARA JAN MORSE, b. May 29, 1848, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. Unknown, Seal Cove , Grand Manan.

         iii.    HANNAH LEVINA MORSE, b. August 26, 1849, Grand Manan135; d. Unknown.

55.     iv.    ELIZABETH A. MORSE, b. October 26, 1851, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. 1872, Castalia, Grand Manan.

          v.    DORTHEA MORSE, b. January 13, 1854, White Head Grand Manan135; d. Unknown; m. DANIEL SINCLAIRE; d. Unknown.

56.     vi.    HIRAM MORSE, b. July 11, 1855, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. January 22, 1928, White Head,  Grand Manan.

        vii.    HARRIET F. MORSE, b. May 27, 1860, Grand Manan135; d. Unknown.

        viii.    MARIA MORSE, b. Abt. 1861, Grand Manan136; d. Abt. 1948, Grand Manan137; m. HORACE BAGLEY137; d. Unknown.

         ix.    LOUISA MORSE, b. October 11, 1862, Grand Manan138; d. November 14, 1886, Grand Manan; m. JOHN L. WILSON; d. Unknown.

57.     x.    WEBSTER MORSE, b. July 27, 1864, Grand Manan; d. March 02, 1898, Grand Manan.

         xi.    PAULINE (PLINY) MORSE138, b. April 26, 1867, Grand Manan138; d. October 05, 1868, Grand Manan139.


Children of WILLIAM MORSE and MARGARET ? are:

        xii.    EMERSON4 MORSE, b. Abt. 1876140; d. Unknown.

        xiii.    EMERY A. MORSE, b. Abt. 1876, Grand Manan140; d. May 23, 1882, Grand Manan141.

       xiv.    WILLIAM CAMPBELL MORSE, b. Abt. 1878, Grand Manan142; d. May 16, 1881, Grand Manan143.

        xv.    ELLA J. MORSE, b. Abt. 1884144,145; d. Unknown.

       xvi.    WILLEY A. MORSE, b. Abt. 1887145; d. Unknown.

       xvii.    WESTLEY MORSE, b. Abt. 1897146; d. Unknown.


22.  ENOCH G.3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1)147 was born Abt. 1826 in Grand Manan148, and died Aft. 1860149.  He married ELIZA A. ?150 Abt. 1850151.  She was born Abt. 1830 in Grand Manan151, and died Aft. 1860152.


Notes for ENOCH G. MORSE:

According to the 1860 census of Steuben, ME Enoch G. was a son of Asa Morse.  Enoch,  his wife and child disappear after the 1860 Census.


Children of ENOCH MORSE and ELIZA ? are:

           i.    CARRILLA4 MORSE153, b. Abt. 1850154; d. Aft. 1860155.

          ii.    LYDIA MORSE156, b. Abt. 1845, Grand Manan157; d. Bef. 1860, Steuben, ME158.


23.  LYDIA3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1)159 was born Abt. 1826 in Grand Manan160, and died Aft. 1860161.  She married SAMUEL WILLEY, JR. June 09, 1849 in Steuben,  ME162.  He was born Abt. 1826 in Steuben,  ME163, and died Aft. 1860164.


Children of LYDIA MORSE and SAMUEL WILLEY are:

           i.    PHYLANDER4 WILLEY, b. Abt. 1849165; d. Unknown.

          ii.    LUCRETIA WILLEY, b. Abt. 1851166; d. Unknown.

         iii.    LAFAYETTE WILLEY, b. Abt. 1854166; d. Unknown.


24.  DANIEL K.3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1)167 was born January 28, 1836 in Grand Manan168, and died May 23, 1918 in Milbridge,  ME169.  He married (1) HANNAH O. WILLEY August 16, 1859 in Steuben,  ME170.  She was born February 28, 1842 in Steuben,  ME, and died Abt. 1872 in Steuben,  ME171.  He married (2) CLARA A . WILLEY October 02, 1878 in Cherryfield,  ME172.  She was born Abt. 1848 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died April 21, 1882.  He married (3) AGNES DORA (MCKENZIE) RANDALL May 13, 1883 in Steuben,  ME172.  She was born Abt. 1851 in Harrington,  ME173, and died Abt. 1911 in Steuben, ME173.


Notes for CLARA A . WILLEY:

She was the widow of Alonzo C. Willey




           i.    IVORY C.4 MORSE, b. June 16, 1859, Steuben,  ME; d. Aft. 1905, Franklin,  ME.

58.      ii.    DANIEL SYDNEY MORSE, b. June 01, 1862, Steuben, ME; d. Abt. 1950, Steuben, ME.

59.     iii.    ALPHEUS BURTON MORSE, b. December 05, 1864, Steuben, ME; d. Abt. 1939, Steuben,  ME.

60.     iv.    COLUMBUS L. MORSE, b. Abt. 1869, Steuben,  ME; d. Abt. 1959, Cherryfield,  ME.

          v.    SAMUEL EVERETT MORSE, b. Abt. 1872, Steuben,  ME; d. Unknown.



Living in Franklin,  ME in 1905.


Children of DANIEL MORSE and CLARA WILLEY are:

         vi.    HANNAH4 MORSE, b. Abt. 1882, Steuben,  ME; d. Unknown; m. ? GOODWIN; b. Abt. 1880, Sullivan,  ME; d. Unknown.

        vii.    CLIFFORD MORSE, b. Abt. 1876; d. Unknown.



        viii.    LILLIAN MAY4 MORSE, b. May 09, 1884, Steuben, ME174; d. Unknown; m. WHO ? CORTHELL; d. Unknown.

         ix.    ALMER MORSE, b. Abt. 1887, Steuben,  ME175; d. Abt. 1891, Steuben,  ME175.


25.  ALONZO3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1)176 was born February 01, 1838 in Grand Manan, NB177, and died February 20, 1886 in Bay of Fundy,  NB178.  He married (1) HANNAH FRANCES ANDERSON April 04, 1858 in Steuben,  ME179.  She was born February 16, 1842 in Steuben,  ME179, and died Abt. 1907 in Steuben,  ME180,180.  He married (2) LIZZIE NEWMAN January 21, 1884.  She was born in Lubec, Washington Co., ME, and died Unknown.



Alonzo drowned as the result of a shipwreck in the Bay of Fundy.


Apparently Alonzo and is first wife Hannah divorced, as Alonzo took another wife in 1884. It interesting to note that there is a headstone in the Evergreen Cemetery in Millbridge next to Hannah for Alonzo who died at sea.


"Vital Statistics From New Brunswick (Canada) Newspapers" Vol. 66:800,  by Daniel F. Johnson


The Schooner. "Minnie", Capt. Elisha YOUNG sailed from Grand Harbour, Grand Manan (Charlotte Co.)

      on Saturday 20th February. with a cargo of smoked herring for Yarmouth,  N.S. and passengers to be

      landed at Digby Neck. In addition to Capt. Young there were on board Howard INGALLS, Jethro

      BANCROFT, Alonzo MORSE, Abijah HAIGHT, Edgar BRAYLEY and Andrew WILCOX. All belonged

      to Grand Manan except Haight, who was on his way home to Nova Scotia. Nothing was heard

      of the schooner after she sailed until Friday last when two trunks and the boat belonging to the

      "Minnie" were found along the bay shore near Gulliver's Cove. The vessel is supposed to have

      founded at Gullivers. One of the trunks belonged to a young man, a passenger, by the name of

      Haight of Gulliver's Cove. All on board must have been drowned."

     Published in the 4 March 1886 edition of the PILOT.







61.      i.    EDGAR4 MORSE, b. November 07, 1860, Steuben,  ME; d. March 06, 1917, White Head,  Grand Manan.

62.      ii.    CLARA E. MORSE, b. August 02, 1862, Steuben,  ME; d. Abt. 1898.

63.     iii.    AUTHUR MORSE, b. September 15, 1865, Steuben,  ME; d. June 16, 1888, North Head, Grand Manan.

64.     iv.    CHARLES MELVIN MORSE, b. July 19, 1867, Grand Manan; d. Unknown.

65.     v.    JOHN FOSTER MORSE, b. January 15, 1873, Steuben,  ME; d. May 03, 1941, White Head Grand Manan.

66.     vi.    PERLE MORSE, b. April 24, 1875, Steuben, ME; d. May 03, 1947, Grand Manan.

67.    vii.    EFFIE M. MORSE, b. March 01, 1871, Steuben,  ME; d. Abt. 1934.


26.  ELIZABETH JANE3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1842 in Grand Manan181, and died April 15, 1884 in Unionville,  ME182.  She married MOSES K. LEIGHTON Abt. 1857 in Steuben,  ME183.  He was born Abt. 1830 in Steuben,  ME184, and died November 10, 1883 in Unionville, ME185.



A good portion of the information on Moses & Elizabeth Jane (Morse) Leighton was taken  from the book, A Leighton Genealogy - Descendants of Thomas Leighton of Dover, NH", by Perley M. Leighton. Published in 1989. Any vital stat that has a source I take credit. Any information that has no source was taken from the cited book.



Served in CO. I, 13th ME INF. Reg. in the Civil War.



68.      i.    EMILY4 LEIGHTON, b. April 17, 1857, Unionville, ME; d. May 09, 1926, Unionville, ME.

          ii.    MOSES KELLEY LEIGHTON, b. Abt. January 1859, Unionville, ME186; d. October 21, 1879, Unionville, ME.





69.     iii.    WILLIAM LEIGHTON, b. May 21, 1866, Steuben, Washington Co., ME; d. July 15, 1929, Steuben, Washington Co., ME.

         iv.    MELVINA LEIGHTON, b. Abt. 1877; d. Unknown.

          v.    JEANETTE LEIGHTON, b. March 26, Unionville, ME; d. May 07, 1883.


27.  HANNAH3 MORSE (ASA2, JOHN1) was born April 10, 1843 in Grand Manan186, and died September 1928 in So. Portland, Cumberland Co., ME.  She married GILBERT LEIGHTON July 04, 1858 in Steuben,  ME187.  He was born Abt. 1834 in Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME188, and died Aft. 1870 in So. Portland, Cumberland Co., ME189.



A good portion of the information on Gilbert & Hannah (Morse) Leighton was taken  from the book, A Leighton Genealogy - Descendants of Thomas Leighton of Dover, NH", by Perley M. Leighton. Published in 1989. Any vital stat that has a source I take credit. Any information that has no source was taken from the cited book.



Living in Bangor, ME in 1900.



           i.    MARY ANN4 LEIGHTON190, b. Abt. 1859191; d. Aft. 1860192.

          ii.    TRYPHENE LEIGHTON193, b. Abt. 1863193; d. August 25, 1963193.



d. age 3 months



         iii.    ALZADA A. LEIGHTON194, b. Abt. 1864, Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME195; d. August 29, 1907, So. Portland, Cumberland Co., ME.



Died a single Person


70.     iv.    CLIFTON COFFIN LEIGHTON, b. Abt. 1866, Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME; d. October 12, 1932, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME.

71.     v.    JUNE M. LEIGHTON, b. Abt. 1868, Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME; d. Unknown.

         vi.    NELLIE E. LEIGHTON, b. Abt. 1870; d. Unknown; m. IRVING WEBBER, December 02, 1891, Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME; d. Unknown.



of Ellsworth Falls, ME


72.    vii.    FRANK E. LEIGHTON, b. Abt. 1872, Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME; d. Unknown.


28.  ETHEL3 SMITH (EUNICE2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1825 in Grand Manan, NB196, and died Aft. 1880 in Cherryfield,  ME197.  He married PAMILIA H. WILLEY198 Abt. 1850 in Cherryfield,  ME199.  She was born February 05, 1832 in Steuben,  ME, and died September 03, 1923 in Embden,  ME.



           i.    LUCY N.4 SMITH, b. Abt. 1851200; d. Unknown.

          ii.    JAMES WARREN SMITH, b. Abt. 1852200; d. Unknown; m. MELISSA (WORCESTOR) TUCKER, Abt. 1877, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

         iii.    ABBIE SMITH, b. Abt. 1856200; d. Unknown.

         iv.    LYDIA J. SMITH, b. Abt. 1859200; d. April 05, 1954, Grand Manan, NB; m. ALEXANDER GILMORE; d. Unknown.

73.     v.    EBEN BARTLETT SMITH, b. Abt. 1860, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Abt. 1948.

         vi.    ETHEAL S. SMITH, b. Abt. 1862, Cherryfield,  ME201; d. May 12, 1942, Deblois,  ME; m. ? MERRITT; d. Unknown.

        vii.    CHARLES HENRY SMITH, b. Abt. 1868, Cherryfield,  ME202; d. October 29, 1939, Franklin,  ME; m. (1) JOSEPHINE TUCKER, March 28, 1888, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown; m. (2) MYRA BROWN, April 06, 1903, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

        viii.    HANNAH AMBER SMITH, b. Abt. 1871, Cherryfield,  ME203; d. Abt. 1928, North Anson,  ME; m. (1) ? GORDON; b. Damariscotta,  ME; d. Unknown; m. (2) ELFIA F. BERRY; d. Unknown, Embden,  ME.



Generation No. 4


29.  RODNEY M.4 MORSE (JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born September 08, 1851 in Cherryfield,  ME204, and died July 17, 1927 in Portland, Cumberland Co.,  ME205.  He married SUSAN J. TENAN206 September 13, 1873 in Cherryfield,  ME207, daughter of JOHN TENAN and MARY MORSE.  She was born Abt. 1856208, and died Abt. 1927 in Cherryfield,  ME209.


Children of RODNEY MORSE and SUSAN TENAN are:

74.      i.    WILLIAM5 MORSE, b. December 22, 1876, Cherryfield,  ME; d. March 26, 1915, Cherryfield,  ME.

75.      ii.    WINFIELD MORSE, b. August 07, 1879, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

         iii.    RALPH MORSE, b. Abt. May 1885, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

76.     iv.    ROY MORSE, b. Abt. July 1887, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

          v.    NINA MORSE, b. Abt. 1889, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

         vi.    EMILY E. MORSE, b. Abt. 1891, Cherryfield,  ME209; d. August 26, 1893, Cherryfield,  ME209.

77.    vii.    BERNICE MORSE, b. October 18, 1893, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

        viii.    MARY J. MORSE, b. September 16, 1895, Cherryfield,  ME210; d. Unknown.


30.  FRANCES E.4 MORSE (JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1853 in Cherryfield,  ME211, and died April 20, 1920 in Addison, Washington Co., ME.  She married DARIUS GRAY, JR February 26, 1873 in Intentions filed in Harrington, ME212, son of DARIUS GRAY.  He was born October 14, 1851 in Harrington,  ME, and died January 13, 1940 in Addison, ME.


Children of FRANCES MORSE and DARIUS GRAY are:

           i.    ADDIE F.5 GRAY213, b. Abt. 1876214; d. Unknown.

          ii.    RODNEY M. GRAY215, b. Abt. 1879216; d. Unknown.

         iii.    MARY E. GRAY, d. Unknown.

         iv.    RUTH E. GRAY, d. Unknown.

          v.    MATTIE L. GRAY, d. Unknown.

         vi.    JOHN L. GRAY, d. Unknown.

        vii.    NELLIE GRAY, d. Unknown.

        viii.    CLARENCE B. GRAY, d. Unknown.


31.  LEVI AUGUSTUS4 MORSE (DAVID3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. August 1862 in Grand Manan217, and died Aft. 1905218.  He married DEBRA ELIZABETH FENDERSON May 1882 in Harrington, ME219.  She was born Abt. May 1863 in Milltown, Charlotte Co., NB220, and died Aft. 1905221.



           i.  S ROWENA5 MORSE, d. Unknown.

78.      ii.    MARY E. MORSE, b. Abt. 1882; d. Unknown.

         iii.    WILLIAM BENJAMIN MORSE, b. September 19, 1885, Harrington,  ME222; d. Unknown.

         iv.    SARAH SADIE J. MORSE, b. September 23, 1887, Harrington,  ME222; d. Unknown.

          v.    LEVI HOWARD MORSE, b. May 23, 1889, Harrington, ME; d. Unknown222.

         vi.    LUCY A. MORSE, b. Abt. August 1891; d. Unknown.

        vii.    ELLIOTT A. MORSE, b. October 10, 1893, Harrington,  ME223; d. October 07, 1945, Harrington,  ME223.

        viii.    FRANK MORSE, b. Abt. July 1895224; d. Unknown.

         ix.    ETHEL MORSE, b. Abt. May 1897; d. Unknown.


32.  ARTHUR B.4 MORSE (JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born March 29, 1857 in Cherryfield,  ME225, and died October 22, 1931 in Cherryfield,  ME226.  He married ELLA J. COLEWELL227 March 27, 1882 in Cherryfield,  ME227.  She was born August 15, 1863 in Milbridge,  ME228, and died August 20, 1904 in Cherryfield,  ME228.


Marriage Notes for ARTHUR MORSE and ELLA COLEWELL:

The marriage of this couple was reported 3 times in (VR) or the Machias Union. Each report had a different date.



           i.    ANNIE P.5 MORSE, b. January 15, 1883; d. May 14, 1910; m. LEONARD A. WILLEY, February 06, 1900; d. Unknown.

          ii.    JOHN E. MORSE, b. Abt. April 1885; d. Unknown.

         iii.    WILLIAM MORSE, b. Abt. January 1887; d. Unknown.

79.     iv.    RALPH EARL MORSE, b. May 19, 1889, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

          v.    LILLIAN MAY MORSE, b. December 03, 1892, Cherryfield,  ME229; d. Unknown.

         vi.    ELWOOD L. MORSE, b. March 03, 1894, Cherryfield,  ME229; d. Unknown; m. VERA TRACY LEIGHTON, February 23, 1918, Cherryfield, ME; b. December 10, 1892, Steuben, Washington Co., ME; d. January 24, 1973, Ellsworth, ME.


Marriage Notes for ELWOOD MORSE and VERA LEIGHTON:

no issue


80.    vii.    FRANK GUY MORSE, b. Abt. August 1898, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

81.   viii.    CORA E. MORSE, b. June 14, 1900, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.


33.  ELIZABETH M.4 MORSE (JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. June 1874 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Aft. 1905 in Cherryfield,  ME.  She married GEORGE W. NEWENHAM Abt. 1892 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He was born Abt. March 1870, and died Aft. 1900 in Cherryfield,  ME.



           i.    GEORGE5 NEWENHAM, b. Abt. July 1893; d. Unknown.

          ii.    PERLY J. NEWENHAM, b. Abt. August 1896; d. Unknown.

         iii.    EVERETT L. NEWENHAM, b. Abt. September 1899; d. Unknown.


34.  LAFAYETTE4 MORSE (JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born 1875 in tombstone, and died 1952 in tombstone.  He married FANNIE E. WILLEY229 Aft. 1900 in Cherryfield,  ME.  She was born Abt. 1887 in Cherryfield,  ME230, and died Abt. 1973 in Cherryfield,  ME230.



           i.    CHILD ?5 MORSE, b. Private.

82.      ii.    REGINALD MORSE, b. Private.

83.     iii.    NORMAN C. MORSE, b. October 28, 1909, Cherryfield,  ME; d. March 24, 1962.

         iv.    MARJORIE MORSE, b. Private.

          v.    LAFAYETTE MORSE JR., b. November 02, 1914, Cherryfield,  ME231; d. Abt. 1930232.


35.  HARRY C.4 MORSE (JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born July 1883 in Cherryfield,  ME232, and died Abt. 1944 in Cherryfield,  ME232.  He married IRENE RAMSDELL Abt. 1915 in Cherryfield,  ME.  She was born Abt. 1895 in Cherryfield,  ME232, and died Abt. 1969 in Cherryfield,  ME232.


Notes for HARRY C. MORSE:

9 children only 1st, 2nd, 8th & 9th known



           i.    CHILD15 MORSE, b. Private.

          ii.    CHILD2 MORSE, b. Private.

         iii.    PHILIP JAMES MORSE, b. Private.

         iv.    ERNEST MORSE, b. Private.


36.  ALFRED S.4 MORSE (ASA3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born December 08, 1854 in Milbridge, ME233, and died August 18, 1912 in Perry,  ME233.  He married MARY CATHERINE ? 1880234.  She was born Abt. May 1864234, and died Aft. 1900.


Children of ALFRED MORSE and MARY ? are:

           i.    EVERETT J.5 MORSE, b. Abt. March 1882235; d. April 05, 1907, Perry, Washington Co., ME235.

          ii.    MARGARET MORSE, b. Abt. September 1884; d. Unknown.

         iii.    HELENA MAY MORSE, b. Abt. February 1898, Perry, ME235; d. July 20, 1903, Perry, ME235.


37.  HENRY O.4 TENAN (MARY JANE3 MORSE, JOHN2, JOHN1)236 was born Abt. 1847 in Cherryfield,  ME237, and died Unknown.  He married EMMA GARDINER238 Abt. 1867 in Cherryfield,  ME238.  She was born Abt. 1843 in Probably Portand, ME239, and died Unknown.


Notes for HENRY O. TENAN:

Henry Tenan & Emma Willey filed their Indentions of marriage at Cherryfield on June 01, 1867.




Emma J. Willey may have married prior to her marriage to Henry O. Tenan.  A great grand daughter of Emma's namely Virginia Dunkerly, stated that Emma's maiden name was Garnett. However,  Margery Brown of The Cherryfield - Narraguagus Historical Society said she found an Emma J. Gardiner of Portland  who married Benjamin D. Willey of Cherryfield, ME on December 08, 1864. Benjamin, who was a member of the 11th ME. Regt., who died in 1866.  It stands to reason that the latter case was more likely.


Children of HENRY TENAN and EMMA GARDINER are:

           i.    ARTHUR S.5 TENAN240, b. Aft. 1870, Cherryfield,  ME241; d. October 06, 1871, Cherryfield,  ME242.

84.      ii.    MABEL S. TENAN, b. Abt. 1874, Cherryfield,  ME; d. November 11, 1962, Boston,  MA.

85.     iii.    BERNICE TENAN, b. Abt. 1875, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

         iv.    LURA F. TENAN243, b. Abt. 1879, Cherryfield,  ME244; d. 1958, Bar Harbor, ME244; m. ALBERT MITCHELL; d. Unknown.


38.  SUSAN J.4 TENAN (MARY JANE3 MORSE, JOHN2, JOHN1)245 was born Abt. 1856246, and died Abt. 1927 in Cherryfield,  ME247.  She married RODNEY M. MORSE September 13, 1873 in Cherryfield,  ME248, son of JOHN MORSE and ELEANOR TENAN.  He was born September 08, 1851 in Cherryfield,  ME249, and died July 17, 1927 in Portland, Cumberland Co.,  ME250.


Children are listed above under (29) Rodney M. Morse.


39.  LAURA J4 MORSE (BENJAMIN W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1)251 was born August 11, 1850 in Cherryfield,  ME252, and died June 14, 1884 in Cherryfield,  ME252.  She married ALFRED WOODBURY WILLEY January 21, 1870 in Cherryfield,  ME253.  He was born June 04, 1852 in Cherryfield,  ME254, and died June 06, 1906 in Cherryfield,  ME254.


Children of LAURA MORSE and ALFRED WILLEY are:

           i.    GEORGE WOODBURY5 WILLEY, b. December 24, 1870, Cherryfield,  ME255; d. Unknown.

          ii.    JANIE WILLEY, b. Abt. April 1874, Cherryfield,  ME256; d. June 07, 1875, Cherryfield,  ME256.


40.  EMMA S.4 MORSE (BENJAMIN W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1)256 was born September 01, 1852 in Cherryfield,  ME256, and died April 01, 1880 in Cherryfield,  ME256.  She married JOHN F. WILLEY February 21, 1869 in Cherryfield,  ME257.  He was born Abt. 1849 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Unknown in Cherryfield,  ME.



           i.    NETTIE S.5 WILLEY258, b. February 02, 1872, Cherryfield,  ME258; d. September 02, 1874, Cherryfield,  ME258.


41.  ANDREW S.4 SPRAGUE (WELLINGTON3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1838 in Grand Manan, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick, and died May 09, 1897 in Bangor, ME.  He married CYNTHIA ANN SEWELL.  She was born August 20 in Bath, ME, and died Abt. 1924 in Bangor, ME.



           i.    JOSEPH5 SPRAGUE, d. Unknown.



died young


          ii.    HENRY SPRAGUE, d. Unknown.



died young



86.     iii.    GEORGE ALBERT SPRAGUE, b. September 09, 1870, Bangor, ME; d. Unknown.

87.     iv.    JAMES WM. SPRAGUE, b. May 28, 1874; d. Unknown.

88.     v.    ELIZABETH SPRAGUE, d. Unknown.

89.     vi.    JOHN SPRAGUE, b. January 07, 1876, Bangor, ME; d. Unknown.

        vii.    HERBERT SPRAGUE, d. Unknown.



died young


42.  JOHN M.4 SPRAGUE (WELLINGTON3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) died Abt. 1929.  He married SUSIE.  She died Abt. 1910.


Children of JOHN SPRAGUE and SUSIE are:

           i.    ALBERT5 SPRAGUE, d. Unknown.

          ii.    GRACE SPRAGUE, d. Unknown.


43.  CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH4 SPRAGUE (FREEMAN3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1839 in Grand Manan259, and died August 02, 1861 in Cherryfield,  ME260.  She married JAMES W. MORSE Abt. 1855 in Cherryfield,  ME261, son of JOHN MORSE and MARGARET ?.  He was born Abt. October 1820 in Grand Manan262, and died May 20, 1904 in Cherryfield,  ME263.


Notes for JAMES W. MORSE:

On one vital Record James W. Morse states he was born in Lubec, ME.  This strongly suggests he was a son of John Morse, Jr.


Children are listed above under (8) James W. Morse.


44.  JOHN BATEMAN4 SPRAGUE (FREEMAN3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1839 in Grand Manan264, and died September 17, 1914 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He married ELIZABETH MELISSA MORSE265 May 30, 1859 in Cherryfield,  ME, daughter of BENJAMIN MORSE and HARRIETT JOHNSTON.  She was born Abt. 1838 in Grand Manan266, and died Abt. 1926 in Fairfield, Aroostook Co.,  ME.



           i.    FRANCES HARRIETT5 SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1860; d. Unknown.

          ii.    JOSEPHINE AGNES SPRAGUE, b. June 22, 1861, Cherryfield,  ME267; d. December 23, 1941, Cherryfield,  ME268; m. JOSEPH HARRINGTON269, August 17, 1878, Cherryfield,  ME; b. Abt. 1849270; d. August 30, 1891, Cherryfield,  ME270.

         iii.    GEORGE L. SPRAGUE271, b. Abt. 1864; d. Unknown.

         iv.    MARY E. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1866; d. Unknown.

          v.    FRANK P. SPRAGUE, b. January 29, 1869, Cherryfield,  ME272; d. Unknown.

         vi.    ADA J. SPRAGUE, b. January 19, 1871, Cherryfield,  ME272; d. Unknown.

        vii.    NETTY J. SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1875; d. Unknown.

        viii.    HENRY SPRAGUE, b. Abt. 1879; d. Unknown.


45.  AMITY P.4 SPRAGUE (FREEMAN3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1)272 was born March 17, 1849 in Milbridge,  ME273, and died April 01, 1875 in Cherryfield,  ME273.  She married HENRY OWEN MORSE274 July 06, 1865 in Cherryfield,  ME275, son of BENJAMIN MORSE and HARRIETT JOHNSTON.  He was born November 12, 1842 in Grand Manan276, and died March 28, 1911 in Cherryfield,  ME276.



A good portion of the descendants of Henry Owen Morse were researched by Pauline (Robbins) Hodgkins of Unionville, Washington County Maine.


Children of AMITY SPRAGUE and HENRY MORSE are:

90.      i.    FRED R.5 MORSE, b. June 27, 1869, Cherryfield,  ME; d. April 19, 1940, Bar Harbor, ME.

          ii.    JULIA ANN MORSE, b. January 12, 1872, Cherryfield,  ME276; d. August 24, 1876, Cherryfield,  ME276.

91.     iii.    MARY EMMA MORSE, b. August 17, 1873, Cherryfield,  ME; d. March 03, 1958, Harrington,  ME.


46.  ELIZABETH MELISSA4 MORSE (BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1)277 was born Abt. 1838 in Grand Manan278, and died Abt. 1926 in Fairfield, Aroostook Co.,  ME.  She married JOHN BATEMAN SPRAGUE May 30, 1859 in Cherryfield,  ME, son of FREEMAN SPRAGUE and JULIA GRIFFIN.  He was born Abt. 1839 in Grand Manan278, and died September 17, 1914 in Cherryfield,  ME.


Children are listed above under (44) John Bateman Sprague.


47.  HENRY OWEN4 MORSE (BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1)279 was born November 12, 1842 in Grand Manan280, and died March 28, 1911 in Cherryfield,  ME280.  He married (1) AMITY P. SPRAGUE281 July 06, 1865 in Cherryfield,  ME281, daughter of FREEMAN SPRAGUE and JULIA GRIFFIN.  She was born March 17, 1849 in Milbridge,  ME282, and died April 01, 1875 in Cherryfield,  ME282.  He married (2) SOPHIA G. WILLEY October 08, 1875 in Cherryfield,  ME283.  She was born May 17, 1842 in Cherryfield,  ME284, and died April 22, 1933 in Cherryfield,  ME284.



A good portion of the descendants of Henry Owen Morse were researched by Pauline (Robbins) Hodgkins of Unionville, Washington County Maine.


Children are listed above under (45) Amity P. Sprague.


Children of HENRY MORSE and SOPHIA WILLEY are:

92.      i.    EDMUND OWEN5 MORSE, b. December 24, 1876, Cherryfield,  ME; d. September 16, 1966, Cherryfield,  ME.

93.      ii.    AMITY SOPHIA MORSE, b. March 16, 1879, Cherryfield,  ME; d. July 16, 1957, Harrington,  ME.

94.     iii.    BESSIE FLORENCE MORSE, b. August 15, 1881, Cherryfield,  ME; d. August 21, 1960, Harrington,  ME.

95.     iv.    DANIEL ARTHUR MORSE, b. January 16, 1884, Cherryfield,  ME; d. January 16, 1956, Cherryfield,  ME.


48.  IDA E.4 MORSE (BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born March 12, 1858 in Eastport,  ME285, and died November 02, 1928 in Stacyville, ME285.  She married JAMES C. TRACY January 18, 1873 in Cherryfield,  ME286,287.  He was born November 05, 1849, and died November 02, 1928.


Notes for IDA E. MORSE:

Birth date on Death certificate of Ida Tracy given as March 12, 1858.  The 1860 census of Eastport indicates she was five years old, or born in 1855. The 1870 census of Cherryfield states her age as 15 and has her living with the family of Robert L. Colson.  Ida's death certificate states mother was Filene Archer.



Children of IDA MORSE and JAMES TRACY are:

           i.    FRANK5 TRACY, b. March 22, 1873, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Abt. July 1942, Stacyville, ME; m. ELIZABETH MCCLURE; d. Unknown.

          ii.    ARTHUR TRACY, b. June 26, 1874, Cherryfield,  ME; d. October 04, 1949, Stacyville, ME; m. CARRIE KNOWLES; d. Unknown.

96.     iii.    MINA TRACY, b. December 25, 1877, Staceyville,  ME; d. August 20, 1933.

         iv.    BESSIE B. TRACY, b. June 04, 1880, Staceyville,  ME; d. January 07, 1940; m. CHARLES MCCLURE; d. Unknown.

          v.    WILLIAM TRACY, b. April 23, 1882; d. November 23, 1947; m. PAULINE BURKE; d. Unknown.

         vi.    RALPH E. TRACY, b. March 22, 1886; d. Unknown; m. (1) NELLIE CRAVES; d. Unknown; m. (2) SUE DUNBAR; d. Unknown.

        vii.    PRINCE TRACY, b. April 14, 1888, Staceyville,  ME; d. October 20, 1949, Stacyville, ME; m. NELLIE MCGRAW, October 25, 1915; d. Unknown.

        viii.    THAD TRACY, b. August 02, 1891, Staceyville,  ME; d. March 30, 1956, Staceyville,  ME; m. LESLIE DAVENPORT; d. Unknown.

         ix.    AGNES TRACY, b. February 14, 1894; d. April 10, 1955; m. VERNARD TRACY; d. Unknown.

          x.    EARL TRACY, b. November 12, 1896, Staceyville,  ME; d. May 22, 1917, Staceyville,  ME; m. LAURA SPEED; d. Unknown.


49.  LEONARD4 MORSE (GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born April 28, 1844 in Grand Manan288, and died July 15, 1910288.  He married ABIGAIL NORWOOD April 17, 1868 in Eastport, ME289.  She was born August 13, 1849 in Eastport, ME290, and died January 25, 1914290.



97.      i.    FREDERICK5 MORSE, b. July 20, 1866; d. Aft. 1891.

          ii.    GLEASON MORSE, b. Abt. 1869291; d. Unknown.

         iii.    ANIE MORSE, b. Abt. 1873291; d. Unknown.

         iv.    CORA MORSE, b. Abt. 1876291; d. Bef. 1881292.

          v.    LESLIE MORSE, b. Abt. 1879; d. Unknown.


50.  WILLIAM JUDSON4 MORSE (GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1852 in Steuben,  ME293, and died July 10, 1919 in Joneport, Washington Co., ME294.  He married CLARISSA JANE COOKE in Steuben,  ME.  She was born Abt. 1857, and died Abt. 1929 in Grand Manan.



           i.    MYRTLE5 MORSE, b. Abt. 1879, White Head, Grand Manan, NB295; d. Unknown; m. JOHN TITUS, July 21, 1898296; d. Unknown.

98.      ii.    GARFIELD MORSE, b. Abt. 1883, White Head, Grand Manan, NB; d. March 15, 1972, White Head Grand Manan.

         iii.    HELEN MORSE, b. Abt. 1880297; d. Unknown; m. JOSEPH MOREHOUSE, July 21, 1898, Grand Manan298; d. Unknown.

99.     iv.    GEORGE P. MORSE, b. Abt. 1873, White Head, Grand Manan, NB; d. Unknown, Probably Florida.

100.    v.    JESSE LUDLOW MORSE, SR., b. February 26, 1889, White Head, NB; d. September 28, 1973, Holbrook,  MA.


51.  NELSON L.4 MORSE (GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1855 in Steuben,  ME299, and died February 24, 1936 in White Head Grand Manan300.  He married ADELAIDE ZWICKER301.  She was born Abt. 1858 in Grand Manan, and died Abt. 1937 in Grand Manan.



101.     i.    EMMERLINE5 MORSE, b. June 07, 1877, White Head, Grand Manan, NB; d. April 04, 1957, White Head, Grand Manan, NB.

          ii.    NELLIE MORSE, b. Abt. 1881, White Head, Grand Manan, NB302; d. February 04, 1953, White Head, Grand Manan, NB302; m. WILLIAM OUTHOUSE, December 02, 1897, Grand Manan, NB303; d. Unknown.

         iii.    ETHEL MORSE, b. Abt. 1884, White Head, Grand Manan, NB304; d. Abt. 1965, White Head, Grand Manan, NB304; m. JOHN CARROLL, March 03, 1906, Grand Manan, NB305; d. Unknown.

102.   iv.    WARREN MORSE, b. May 06, 1892, White Head, Grand Manan, NB; d. May 07, 1974, White Head, Grand Manan, NB.


52.  EMERY WILSON4 MORSE (GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1858 in Steuben,  ME306, and died December 25, 1920 in Grand Manan307.  He married CASTERIA LEARY308.  She was born Abt. 1862 in Grand Manan309, and died December 20, 1920 in Grand Manan309.



           i.    JOHN LEARY5 MORSE, b. Abt. 1880, Grand Manan, NB; d. June 05, 1961, Grand Manan, NB310; m. ESTELLA M. MAHAR; b. Abt. 1895; d. Abt. 1938.

          ii.    MARY ANN MORSE, b. Abt. 1884, Grand Manan, NB; d. March 31, 1885, Grand Manan, NB310.

103.   iii.    CORENA MORSE, b. April 20, 1886, White Head, Grand Manan, NB; d. Abt. 1969, White Head, Grand Manan, NB.

         iv.    CHELSEY W. MORSE, b. Abt. 1893, White Head, Grand Manan, NB; d. April 08, 1893, White Head, Grand Manan, NB311.

104.    v.    CLAUDE THEODORE MORSE, b. January 22, 1895, Grand Manan; d. October 30, 1983, Massachusetts.


53.  MANTFORD4 MORSE (GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1863 in Grand Manan311, and died April 21, 1938 in Grand Manan311.  He married BERTHA A. YOUNG312 April 29, 1896 in Grand Manan, NB313.  She was born Abt. 1863 in Grand Manan314, and died Abt. 1933 in Grand Manan314.



           i.    VERNON JOHN5 MORSE, b. August 20, 1897, White Head, Grand Manan, NB315; d. July 20, 1970, White Head, Grand Manan, NB316; m. HARRIETT GRAHAM, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    SUSAN MORSE317, d. Unknown.


54.  BARBARA JAN4 MORSE (WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born May 29, 1848 in White Head,  Grand Manan318, and died Unknown in Seal Cove , Grand Manan.  She married DELANCY BENSON July 18, 1896319.  He died Unknown.



           i.    JOHN D.5 BENSON, d. Unknown.

          ii.    NANCY BENSON, d. Unknown.

         iii.    CORILLA BENSON, d. Unknown.

         iv.    MAGGIE M. BENSON, d. Unknown.

          v.    ANNIE BENSON, b. Abt. 1870; d. Unknown.


55.  ELIZABETH A.4 MORSE (WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born October 26, 1851 in White Head,  Grand Manan320, and died 1872 in Castalia, Grand Manan321.  She married JAMES ZWICKER321.  He died Unknown.



105.     i.    ALICE DOROTHY5 ZWICKER, b. Grand Manan; d. Unknown.


56.  HIRAM4 MORSE (WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born July 11, 1855 in White Head,  Grand Manan322, and died January 22, 1928 in White Head,  Grand Manan.  He married (1) BESSIE LENORA GRIFFIN323 March 26, 1881 in Grand Manan.  She was born January 27, 1865 in Grand Manan, and died October 18, 1899 in Grand Manan.  He married (2) ALICE HANSON January 01, 1901324.  She died Unknown.


Notes for HIRAM MORSE:

The Family History of Hiram Morse and his descendents was provided to me by Kathy Morse her January 28, 1980 letter.  She is a descendent of both Alonzo &William A. Morse, who were the sons of Asa and Hannah (Gray)  Morse .



106.     i.    OWEN B.5 MORSE, b. February 03, 1882, Woodward's Cove, NB; d. March 19, 1965, St. Andrews, Charlotte Co., NB.

107.    ii.    ALICE VESTA MORSE, b. October 28, 1884, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. 1980, White Head,  Grand Manan.

108.   iii.    MAURETIA MORSE, b. June 01, 1887, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. July 24, 1905, Three Island Grand Manan.

109.   iv.    DELILAH MORSE, b. April 05, 1889, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. February 01, 1979, White Head,  Grand Manan.

110.    v.    SUMNER STEWART MORSE, b. July 19, 1891, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. June 24, 1979, White Head,  Grand Manan.

111.   vi.    VIVIAN MORSE, b. September 13, 1893, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. 1983, White Head,  Grand Manan.

112.  vii.    MARION ELVA MORSE, b. August 13, 1895, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. November 28, 1951, Massachusetts.

        viii.    HAZEL B. MORSE, b. October 18, 1899, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. January 17, 1900, Grand Manan.


57.  WEBSTER4 MORSE (WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1)325 was born July 27, 1864 in Grand Manan325, and died March 02, 1898 in Grand Manan326.  He married NANCY ANN SYLVIA Abt. 1881327.  She was born Abt. 1855 in Trescott, ME328, and died Aft. 1910.



           i.    CHARLES5 MORSE329, b. Abt. 1881330; d. Unknown.

          ii.    CARRIE MORSE331, b. Abt. 1882332; d. Unknown.

113.   iii.    HARRY E. MORSE, b. August 18, 1884, Cutler, Washington Co.,  ME; d. March 19, 1975, Lubec, Washington Co., ME.

         iv.    DAVID WILLIAM MORSE, b. September 15, 1886; d. Unknown.

          v.    LOTTIE M OR SATTIE M. MORSE, b. October 22, 1891; d. Unknown.

         vi.    ROSCOE MORSE, b. Abt. 1895; d. Unknown.


58.  DANIEL SYDNEY4 MORSE (DANIEL K.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born June 01, 1862 in Steuben, ME, and died Abt. 1950 in Steuben, ME333.  He married CATHERINE CORNIEL334 July 04, 1885.  She was born Abt. 1866 in Cherryfield,  ME335, and died Abt. 1945 in Unionville, ME336.



           i.    ERNEST5 MORSE, b. Abt. 1884, Steuben,  ME337; d. September 08, 1922, Steuben,  ME337.

114.    ii.    ALVAH MORSE, b. June 26, 1886, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Abt. 1949, Unionville, ME.

         iii.    JAMES MORSE, b. Abt. 1887, Steuben, ME337; d. May 11, 1888, Steuben, ME337.


59.  ALPHEUS BURTON4 MORSE (DANIEL K.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born December 05, 1864 in Steuben, ME338, and died Abt. 1939 in Steuben,  ME339.  He married MINNIE SCHOPPEE March 26, 1892 in Steuben,  ME340.  She was born Abt. 1874 in Steuben,  ME341, and died Unknown.



115.     i.    HELEN N.5 MORSE, b. March 03, 1900, Steuben,  ME; d. Unknown.

116.    ii.    MILDRED GRACE MORSE, b. Private.

         iii.    BEATRICE ARLENE MORSE342, b. December 12, 1892342; d. Unknown; m. MAURICE WILLEY; d. Unknown.



Beatrice had no issue.



117.   iv.    HATTIE ELLA MORSE, b. July 07, 1894, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

          v.    FANNIE MORSE, b. Abt. March 1900; d. Unknown.

         vi.    DANIEL E. MORSE, b. Abt. 1910; d. Abt. 1917343.

        vii.    ARVID MORSE, b. January 02, 1915, Cherryfield,  ME344; d. 1932345.


60.  COLUMBUS L.4 MORSE (DANIEL K.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1869 in Steuben,  ME, and died Abt. 1959 in Cherryfield,  ME345.  He married SARAH B. LACOUNT Bef. 1910.  She was born Abt. 1874 in Trenton,  ME, and died Abt. 1935 in Cherryfield,  ME345.



118.     i.    GERALDINE5 MORSE, b. October 04, 1915, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Abt. 1937.

          ii.    MARCIA M. MORSE, b. Private.


61.  EDGAR4 MORSE (ALONZO3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born November 07, 1860 in Steuben,  ME346, and died March 06, 1917 in White Head,  Grand Manan.  He married MARTHA ALZENA COSSABOOM347 August 27, 1881 in Grand Manan348.  She was born February 12, 1863 in Grand Manan, and died March 16, 1949 in Grand Manan.



119.     i.    JAMES ROY5 MORSE, b. June 15, 1884, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. May 19, 1953, Grand Manan.

120.    ii.    FRANK WINFIELD MORSE, b. June 02, 1887, Grand Manan; d. April 29, 1950, Grand Manan.

121.   iii.    BESSIE MORSE, b. February 26, 1888, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. 1959, White Head,  Grand Manan.

122.   iv.    VIVA MORSE, b. October 14, 1893, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. May 09, 1990, White Head,  Grand Manan.

123.    v.    EVERET IRVIN MORSE, b. May 19, 1897, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. January 03, 1973.

         vi.    BELVA ARLENE MORSE, b. June 05, 1899, White Head,  Grand Manan; d. Abt. 1976, White Head,  Grand Manan.


62.  CLARA E.4 MORSE (ALONZO3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born August 02, 1862 in Steuben,  ME349, and died Abt. 1898350.  She married EBEN BARTLETT SMITH April 26, 1881 in Cherryfield,  ME351, son of ETHEL SMITH and PAMILIA WILLEY.  He was born Abt. 1860 in Cherryfield,  ME352, and died Abt. 1948352.


Children of CLARA MORSE and EBEN SMITH are:

           i.    BERTHA M.5 SMITH, b. August 16, 1879353; d. Unknown.

          ii.    BABY SMITH, b. March 13, 1882353; d. Unknown.

         iii.    GILBERT R. SMITH, b. February 20, 1883353; d. Unknown.

         iv.    HIRAM H. SMITH, b. July 16, 1884353; d. Unknown.


63.  AUTHUR4 MORSE (ALONZO3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born September 15, 1865 in Steuben,  ME354, and died June 16, 1888 in North Head, Grand Manan355.  He married BERTHA ORFF October 09, 1887 in Grand Manan355.  She was born in Grand Manan, and died Unknown.



           i.    CHILD5 MORSE, b. Abt. 1888, Grand Manan; d. July 10, 1888, Grand Manan.


64.  CHARLES MELVIN4 MORSE (ALONZO3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born July 19, 1867 in Grand Manan356, and died Unknown.  He married (1) MAGGIE.  She was born Abt. 1871, and died Unknown.  He married (2) DINA MOAN February 19, 1888 in Grand Manan357.  She was born 1871358,358, and died Unknown.



           i.    HARRY5 MORSE, b. Private.


Children of CHARLES MORSE and DINA MOAN are:

          ii.    CLYDE5 MORSE, b. Abt. 1888; d. Unknown.

         iii.    BURTON MORSE, b. Abt. 1889; d. Unknown.

         iv.    RENA MORSE, b. Abt. 1896358; d. Unknown.


65.  JOHN FOSTER4 MORSE (ALONZO3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born January 15, 1873 in Steuben,  ME359, and died May 03, 1941 in White Head Grand Manan359.  He married EVELYN SHERWOOD LYLE February 28, 1895 in Grand Manan360.  She was born May 26, 1880 in White Head,NB, and died April 30, 1964 in Grand Manan.


Children of JOHN MORSE and EVELYN LYLE are:

124.     i.    HENRY FREDERICK5 MORSE, b. March 02, 1896, White Head Grand Manan; d. September 18, 1986, White Head Grand Manan.

          ii.    LAWRENCE MORSE, b. Abt. 1901, White Head Grand Manan; d. December 06, 1901, White Head Grand Manan.

         iii.    EDITH EUNICE MORSE, b. January 13, 1904, White Head Grand Manan; d. January 22, 1995, Grand Manan; m. EDWARD THURBER, July 15, 1925, Grand Harbor Grand Manan; d. Unknown.


66.  PERLE4 MORSE (ALONZO3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born April 24, 1875 in Steuben, ME361, and died May 03, 1947 in Grand Manan361.  He married IDA FLAGG January 06, 1899 in Grand Manan.  She died Unknown.


Children of PERLE MORSE and IDA FLAGG are:

125.     i.    CLIFFORD E.5 MORSE, b. February 24, 1900, White Head Grand Manan; d. March 29, 1964, Grand Manan.

126.    ii.    LULA MORSE, b. Private.

127.   iii.    EMMA L. MORSE, b. February 22, 1905, White Head Grand Manan; d. July 02, 1979, Grand Manan.

128.   iv.    ROMAINE S. MORSE, b. November 12, 1909, Grand Manan; d. May 15, 1979, Grand Manan.

129.    v.    MARY E, MORSE, b. Private.


67.  EFFIE M.4 MORSE (ALONZO3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born March 01, 1871 in Steuben,  ME361, and died Abt. 1934362.  She married SEYMORE F. PINKHAM October 10, 1891 in Steuben,  ME363.  He was born Abt. 1870364, and died Abt. 1927364.



           i.    GEORGE5 PINKHAM, b. Private.

          ii.    ELDON PINKHAM, b. Private.


68.  EMILY4 LEIGHTON (ELIZABETH JANE3 MORSE, ASA2, JOHN1) was born April 17, 1857 in Unionville, ME365, and died May 09, 1926 in Unionville, ME.  She married ALBERT S. WILSON April 12, 1872 in Cherryfield, ME.  He was born March 08, 1848 in Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME, and died August 11, 1917 in Bangor, ME.



           i.    MELVIN5 WILSON, b. May 15, 1874; d. October 14, 1920.


69.  WILLIAM4 LEIGHTON (ELIZABETH JANE3 MORSE, ASA2, JOHN1) was born May 21, 1866 in Steuben, Washington Co., ME366, and died July 15, 1929 in Steuben, Washington Co., ME.  He married LILLIAN LEIGHTON May 10, 1885 in Steuben, ME.  She was born September 15, 1868 in Steuben, Washington Co., ME, and died February 06, 1951 in Steuben, Washington Co., ME.



130.     i.    CORA5 LEIGHTON, b. November 20, 1886, Steuben, Washington Co., ME; d. April 16, 1965, Steuben, Washington Co., ME.

131.    ii.    THEO E. LEIGHTON, b. October 21, 1888, Steuben, Washington Co., ME; d. September 14, 1966, Ellsworth, ME.

         iii.    VERA TRACY LEIGHTON, b. December 10, 1892, Steuben, Washington Co., ME; d. January 24, 1973, Ellsworth, ME; m. ELWOOD L. MORSE, February 23, 1918, Cherryfield, ME; b. March 03, 1894, Cherryfield,  ME367; d. Unknown.


Marriage Notes for VERA LEIGHTON and ELWOOD MORSE:

no issue


132.   iv.    MARJORIE MABEL LEIGHTON, b. January 12, 1899, Steuben, Washington Co., ME; d. April 15, 1986, Columbia Falls, ME.

          v.    LUCRETTIA LEIGHTON, b. Abt. 1900, Steuben, Washington Co., ME; d. October 13, 1900, Steuben, Washington Co., ME.

         vi.    LEROY EVERETT "ROY" LEIGHTON, b. Private; d. Unknown; m. JEANETTE SMITH, Private; b. Private.

133.  vii.    SYLVIA ELVA LEIGHTON, b. June 08, 1913, Steuben, Washington Co., ME; d. January 20, 1988, Unionville, ME.


70.  CLIFTON COFFIN4 LEIGHTON (HANNAH3 MORSE, ASA2, JOHN1)368,369 was born Abt. 1866 in Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME369, and died October 12, 1932 in Portland, Cumberland Co., ME.  He married (1) MARY FOWLDS November 07, 1893 in Portland, Cumberland Co., ,ME.  She was born Abt. August 1873 in Black Rock, NB, and died Unknown.  He married (2) CATHERINE (CURRAN) CARR April 28, 1908 in Portland, Cumberland Co., ,ME.  She was born 1882 in Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, and died Unknown.



Lived in Portland, ME and was a house carpenter.




           i.    WILBER V.5 LEIGHTON, b. April 27; d. May 30, 1895.

134.    ii.    CLIFTON STUARTS LEIGHTON, b. April 08, 1902, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME; d. June 30, 1975, Gray, ME.

135.   iii.    STANLEY FOWLDS LEIGHTON, b. May 21, 1903, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME; d. June 19, 1985, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME.

         iv.    AUSTN TRUE LEIGHTON, b. November 19, 1905; d. June 28, 1932, Bethel, ME.






136.    v.    ETHEL5 LEIGHTON, b. February 18, 1909, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME; d. October 19, 1987, Scarborough, ME.

         vi.    EFFIE M. LEIGHTON, b. Private; m. WILLIAM FREDRICKS, Private; b. Private.

        vii.    HARLAN P. LEIGHTON, b. January 16, 1912, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME; d. February 22, 1914, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME.


71.  JUNE M.4 LEIGHTON (HANNAH3 MORSE, ASA2, JOHN1)369 was born Abt. 1868 in Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME369, and died Unknown.  She married UNKNOWN June 01, 1914.  He died Unknown.



           i.    VIOLET5 UNKNOWN, b. Abt. 1896, Ellsworth Falls, ME; d. Unknown; m. GEORGE E. CHRISTY; b. Abt. 1896, Gorham, ME; d. Unknown.


72.  FRANK E.4 LEIGHTON (HANNAH3 MORSE, ASA2, JOHN1)370 was born Abt. 1872 in Cherryfield, Washinton Co., ME371, and died Unknown.  He married ELIZABETH W. FOWLDS July 04, 1897.  He was born September 1872 in Saint John, Saint John Co., NB, and died Unknown.



Carpenter of Lynn, MA.



           i.    HAROLD5 FOWLDS, b. October 09, 1898, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME; d. Unknown.

          ii.    UNKNOWN SON FOWLDS, b. Abt. May 1900, Massachusetts; d. Unknown.


73.  EBEN BARTLETT4 SMITH (ETHEL3, EUNICE2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1860 in Cherryfield,  ME372, and died Abt. 1948372.  He married (1) CLARA E. MORSE April 26, 1881 in Cherryfield,  ME373, daughter of ALONZO MORSE and HANNAH ANDERSON.  She was born August 02, 1862 in Steuben,  ME374, and died Abt. 1898375.  He married (2) LAURA E. ? Abt. 1900.  She was born Abt. 1865376, and died Abt. 1925376.


Children are listed above under (62) Clara E. Morse.


Child of EBEN SMITH and LAURA ? is:

           i.    LEEMAN A.5 SMITH, b. 1901376; d. Unknown.



Generation No. 5


74.  WILLIAM5 MORSE (RODNEY M.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born December 22, 1876 in Cherryfield,  ME376, and died March 26, 1915 in Cherryfield,  ME376.  He married MARY E. DORR.  She was born January 11, 1883376, and died September 04, 1912 in Cherryfield,  ME376.


Children of WILLIAM MORSE and MARY DORR are:

           i.    VELORA E.6 MORSE, b. Abt. 1906376; d. Abt. 1924376.

          ii.    HOWARD WILLIAM MORSE, b. Private.


75.  WINFIELD5 MORSE (RODNEY M.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born August 07, 1879 in Cherryfield,  ME377, and died Unknown.  He married (1) ALTA NICHOLS.  She died Unknown.  He married (2) MAUDE E..  She was born June 01, 1881, and died March 26, 1903 in Harrington,  ME378.



Tombstone Rock Maple Cemetery, W. Harrington, ME states dated of death as August 07, 1882



           i.    EMILY E.6 MORSE, b. Private.


76.  ROY5 MORSE (RODNEY M.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. July 1887 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Unknown.  He married IDA CARTER.  She was born in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Unknown.


Children of ROY MORSE and IDA CARTER are:

           i.    MERTON RODNEY6 MORSE, b. August 11, 1908, Cherryfield,  ME379; d. May 20, 1961, Cherryfield,  ME; m. SARAH ELIZABETH MORSE, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    CARROLL L. MORSE, b. Private.


77.  BERNICE5 MORSE (RODNEY M.4, JOHN3, JOHN2, JOHN1)379 was born October 18, 1893 in Cherryfield,  ME379, and died Unknown.  She married HOWARD CAMPBELL Abt. 1910 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He died Unknown.



           i.    CHILD ?6 CAMPBELL, b. Private.


78.  MARY E.5 MORSE (LEVI AUGUSTUS4, DAVID3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1882, and died Unknown.  She married ALLISON COLSON.  He was born Abt. 1880, and died Unknown.


Children of MARY MORSE and ALLISON COLSON are:

           i.    OSCAR A.6 COLSON, b. Private.

          ii.    THEODORE R. COLSON, b. Private.

         iii.  T. LEVI COLSON, b. Private.


79.  RALPH EARL5 MORSE (ARTHUR B.4, JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born May 19, 1889 in Cherryfield,  ME379, and died Unknown.  He married MARTHA DORR.  She was born in Columbia, and died Unknown.


Children of RALPH MORSE and MARTHA DORR are:

           i.    CHILD6 MORSE, b. Private.

          ii.    CARWELL MORSE, b. Private.


80.  FRANK GUY5 MORSE (ARTHUR B.4, JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Abt. August 1898 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Unknown.  He married MARION E. WILLEY Private.  She was born Private.


Children of FRANK MORSE and MARION WILLEY are:

           i.    BARBARA LOUISE6 MORSE, b. Private.

          ii.    DELMAR F. MORSE, b. Private; m. MARY E., Private; b. Private.

         iii.    DANA FRANCIS MORSE, b. Private.

         iv.    SARA E. MORSE, b. Private.

          v.    JOYCE MARIE MORSE, b. Private.

         vi.    CHILD6 MORSE, b. Private.

        vii.    DARRELL ANDREW MORSE, b. Private.


81.  CORA E.5 MORSE (ARTHUR B.4, JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born June 14, 1900 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Unknown.  She married HOWARD TRACY.  He was born in Sullivan, ME, and died Unknown.



           i.    3RD CHILD6 TRACY, b. Private.


82.  REGINALD5 MORSE (LAFAYETTE4, JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born Private.  He married PHYLLIS ? Private.  She was born Private.



           i.    WILLIAM N.6 MORSE, b. Abt. 1933380; d. Abt. 1933380.


83.  NORMAN C.5 MORSE (LAFAYETTE4, JAMES W.3, JOHN2, JOHN1) was born October 28, 1909 in Cherryfield,  ME381, and died March 24, 1962382.  He married LEOLA J. DAVIS Private.  She was born Private.


Children of NORMAN MORSE and LEOLA DAVIS are:

           i.    EUGENE DAVIS6 MORSE, b. May 07, 1936, Cherryfield,  ME383; d. Abt. 1936, Cherryfield,  ME384.

          ii.    JAN STEWART MORSE, b. Private.


84.  MABEL S.5 TENAN (HENRY O.4, MARY JANE3 MORSE, JOHN2, JOHN1)385 was born Abt. 1874 in Cherryfield,  ME386,387, and died November 11, 1962 in Boston,  MA387.  She married (1) AARON MILFORD TRACY388 July 10, 1890 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He was born June 30, 1864388, and died December 03, 1894 in Cherryfield,  ME388.  She married (2) CHARLES G. SMITH November 16, 1901 in Eden, ME.  He died Unknown.


Children of MABEL TENAN and AARON TRACY are:

           i.    FLORA MARIE6 TRACY, b. Abt. 1891, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Abt. 1947, Bar Harbor, ME; m. JOHN MALCOLM, Bar Harbor,  ME; b. Abt. 1892389; d. Unknown.

          ii.    HELEN AUGUSTA TRACY, b. April 08, 1893, Cherryfield,  ME; d. August 26, 1988, Gardiner, ME; m. LEANDER PAUL MORTON, June 13, 1914, Bellow Falls, VT; b. April 23, 1892, Porter,  ME; d. May 14, 1984, Farmingdale,  ME.


85.  BERNICE5 TENAN (HENRY O.4, MARY JANE3 MORSE, JOHN2, JOHN1)390 was born Abt. 1875 in Cherryfield,  ME391, and died Unknown.  She married UNKNOWN BREWSTER.  He died Unknown.



           i.    REGINALD6 BREWSTER, d. Unknown, at sea.


86.  GEORGE ALBERT5 SPRAGUE (ANDREW S.4, WELLINGTON3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born September 09, 1870 in Bangor, ME, and died Unknown.  He married MYRTLE TOZIER July 27, 1891.  She was born April 12, 1860 in Bangor, Me, and died Unknown.



           i.    MARION L.6 SPRAGUE, b. November 11, 1892, Bangor, Me; d. Unknown; m. BENJAMIN P. WILLISTON; d. Unknown.

          ii.    GERTRUDE ALTA SPRAGUE, b. September 06, 1896; d. Abt. December 1917.


87.  JAMES WM.5 SPRAGUE (ANDREW S.4, WELLINGTON3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born May 28, 1874, and died Unknown.  He married ADELE W. WHEELER April 16, 1895 in Bangor, ME.  She was born August 10, 1878 in Winterport, ME, and died Unknown.



           i.    RUTH INA6 SPRAGUE, b. Private.


88.  ELIZABETH5 SPRAGUE (ANDREW S.4, WELLINGTON3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) died Unknown.  She married CLIFFORD CASHMAN.  He died Unknown.



           i.    ISABELLE6 CASHMAN, b. Private.

          ii.    CHARLOTTE CASHMAN, b. Private.


89.  JOHN5 SPRAGUE (ANDREW S.4, WELLINGTON3, MARY2 MORSE, JOHN1) was born January 07, 1876 in Bangor, ME, and died Unknown.  He married ANNA UNKNOWN Abt. 1937.  She was born Abt. 1877, and died Aft. 1900.



removed to Minneapolis



           i.    DONALD ANDREW6 SPRAGUE, d. Unknown.


90.  FRED R.5 MORSE (HENRY OWEN4, BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born June 27, 1869 in Cherryfield,  ME392, and died April 19, 1940 in Bar Harbor, ME.  He married MERTIE SMITH April 07, 1890 in Cherryfield,  ME392.  She was born July 17, 1872 in Columbia, ME, and died October 23, 1947 in Bar Harbor, ME.


Children of FRED MORSE and MERTIE SMITH are:

           i.    MERRILL EDMUND6 MORSE, b. April 02, 1896, Cherryfield,  ME; d. June 22, 1943, Westminister, MA; m. (1) RUTH HAZEL HAYNES, February 14, 1916, Bar Harbor,ME; b. February 27, 1893, Trenton,  ME; d. Unknown; m. (2) CATHERINE B. JONES-HENRY, October 02, 1926, Westminister, MA; b. April 17, 1900, England; d. Unknown.

          ii.    GERTRUDE AUGUSTA MORSE, b. April 07, 1903, Bar Harbor, ME; d. June 29, 1973, Bar Harbor, ME; m. THEODORE WHITE GRINDLE, SR., November 30, 1922, Bar Harbor,ME; b. June 20, 1900, Bar Harbor, ME; d. November 25, 1968, Bar Harbor, ME.


91.  MARY EMMA5 MORSE (HENRY OWEN4, BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born August 17, 1873 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died March 03, 1958 in Harrington,  ME.  She married GEORGE WELLINGTON STEVENS April 09, 1892 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He was born May 01, 1868 in Columbia, ME, and died January 11, 1941 in Cherryfield,  ME.


Children of MARY MORSE and GEORGE STEVENS are:

           i.    MARSHA ALICE6 STEVENS393, b. January 25, 1893, Columbia, ME; d. August 28, 1940, Swedesboro, NJ; m. ELMER CHARLES MCCORMICK, August 11, 1922, Philadelphia, PA; b. January 13, 1899, Bridgeton, NJ; d. Unknown.

          ii.    HARRY EDMUND STEVENS, SR.393, b. May 12, 1895, Columbia, ME; d. January 13, 1954, Harrington,  ME; m. EVA MAY MITCHELL, December 09, 1920, Harrington, ME; b. April 03, 1900, Harrington,  ME; d. October 24, 1991, Machias, ME.

         iii.    ANNIE RAE STEVENS, b. July 13, 1897, Cherryfield,  ME; d. May 02, 1962, Harrington,  ME; m. JAMES HOWARD ROBBINS, October 31, 1914, Cherryfield, ME; b. December 29, 1886, Cherryfield,  ME; d. April 15, 1970, Harrington,  ME.

         iv.    FEMALE INFANT STEVENS394, b. May 16, 1899, Cherryfield,  ME394; d. May 16, 1899, Cherryfield,  ME394.

          v.    HOLLICE LINWOOD STEVENS394, b. July 27, 1900, Cherryfield,  ME; d. October 24, 1987, Westerly, RI; m. LILLIAN GERTRUDE MACKENZIE, February 18, 1928, Woodland (Baileyville), Wasington Co., ME; b. February 04, 1909, Fairville, Lancaster Parish, Saint John Co., NB; d. December 18, 1995, Lisbon Falls, ME.

         vi.    TERESA LOUISE STEVENS, b. March 23, 1903, Cherryfield,  ME; d. February 03, 1980, Ellsworth, ME; m. HARRY WILSON SMALL, April 21, 1923, Harrington, ME; b. August 08, 1899, Harrington,  ME; d. January 21, 1969, Milbridge, ME.


92.  EDMUND OWEN5 MORSE (HENRY OWEN4, BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born December 24, 1876 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died September 16, 1966 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He married ROXIE CONNERS November 01, 1895 in Cherryfield,  ME.  She was born December 04, 1876 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died March 17, 1948 in Cherryfield,  ME.



           i.    MAURICE STANLEY6 MORSE, b. March 05, 1899, Cherryfield,  ME; d. March 01, 1975, Augusta, ME; m. BLANCHE ELEANOR DORR, February 16, 1918, Cherryfield,  ME; b. February 09, 1894, Cherryfield,  ME; d. Unknown.

          ii.    OLIVE IOLA MORSE, b. June 27, 1901, Cherryfield,  ME; d. September 27, 1976, Bangor, ME.

         iii.    CROSBY NEWELL MORSE, b. March 14, 1903, Cherryfield,  ME; d. June 12, 1960, Augusta, ME.

         iv.    FRANCIS COLON MORSE, b. October 17, 1904, Cherryfield,  ME; d. January 06, 1958, Bangor, ME; m. MARY EMMA TENAN, Private; b. Private.

          v.    HENRY OWEN MORSE, b. Private.


93.  AMITY SOPHIA5 MORSE (HENRY OWEN4, BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born March 16, 1879 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died July 16, 1957 in Harrington,  ME.  She married CLARENCE B. NICHOLS April 18, 1896 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He was born September 25, 1874 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Unknown.



           i.    HENRY OWEN6 NICHOLS, SR., b. December 02, 1898, Harrington,  ME; d. February 19, 1991; m. (1) ROSE ANN DOLAN, July 02, 1918, Harrington, ME; b. July 07, 1899, Taunton, MA; d. February 02, 1950, Harrington,  ME; m. (2) VERA EMILY DORR-WORCESTER, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    HARRIET ELIZABETH NICHOLS, b. August 13, 1900, Harrington,  ME; d. February 03, 1991; m. HORACE STROUT KENNEDY, December 28, 1921, Harrington, ME; b. October 18, 1892, Cherryfield,  ME; d. January 14, 1956, Weld, ME.

         iii.    BEATRICE NICHOLS, b. December 10, 1903, Harrington,  ME; d. July 07, 1924, Harrington,  ME; m. GEORGE OTIS TIBBETTS, Private; b. Private; d. Unknown.

         iv.    RUTH BELINDA NICHOLS, b. Private; m. GEORGE ELMER CURTIS, Private; b. Private.

          v.    BESSIE FLORENCE NICHOLS, b. Private; m. LEWIS AARON JONES, Private; b. April 16, 1899, Wales, United Kingdom; d. Unknown.

         vi.    JESSE EVELYN NICHOLS, b. Private; m. CHARLES FRYE LAWRENCE, Private; b. Private.

        vii.    MARY EMMA NICHOLS, b. Private; m. DAVID PETER MOREL, Private; b. Private.


94.  BESSIE FLORENCE5 MORSE (HENRY OWEN4, BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born August 15, 1881 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died August 21, 1960 in Harrington,  ME.  She married JOHN WILLIAM FICKETT October 10, 1896 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He was born December 04, 1876 in Harrington,  ME, and died February 20, 1964 in Harrington,  ME.


Children of BESSIE MORSE and JOHN FICKETT are:

           i.    SUSIE ALICE6 FICKETT, b. February 28, 1902, Harrington,  ME; d. September 30, 1903, Harrington,  ME.

          ii.    AGNES FICKETT, b. Abt. 1905, Harrington,  ME; d. Abt. 1905, Harrington,  ME.






         iii.    MYRON LYNN MCLAUGHLIN-FICKETT, SR., b. November 27, 1919, Whiting, ME; d. December 16, 1974, Rockville, CT; m. (1) NATALIE DRISKO, Private; b. Private; m. (2) HELEN BARTLETT, Private; b. Private.



Myron was adopted


95.  DANIEL ARTHUR5 MORSE (HENRY OWEN4, BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born January 16, 1884 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died January 16, 1956 in Cherryfield,  ME.  He married ELIZABETH SARAH HUNTER June 12, 1904 in Cherryfield,  ME.  She was born December 16, 1883 in Cherryfield,  ME, and died September 09, 1958 in Cherryfield,  ME.



           i.    DORIS HILDRED6 MORSE, b. February 03, 1905, Cherryfield,  ME; d. May 21, 1991, Sullivan, ME; m. DANIEL ARTHUR DORR, April 25, 1925, Cherryfield,  ME; b. December 25, 1902, Cherryfield,  ME; d. April 03, 1973, Cherryfield,  ME.

          ii.    ALFREDA ESTHER MORSE, b. Private; m. NOLAN JAMES MCDEVITT, Private; b. Private.

         iii.    SARAH ELIZABETH MORSE, b. Private; m. MERTON RODNEY MORSE, Private; b. August 11, 1908, Cherryfield,  ME394; d. May 20, 1961, Cherryfield,  ME.

         iv.    AUDREY VIOLA MORSE, b. Private; m. RUSSELL WILLIAM WILKES, Private; b. Private.


96.  MINA5 TRACY (IDA E.4 MORSE, BENJAMIN H.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born December 25, 1877 in Staceyville,  ME, and died August 20, 1933.  She married BURDETTE ROSS TRACY September 07, 1897.  He was born November 07, 1878, and died August 18, 1959.


Children of MINA TRACY and BURDETTE TRACY are:

           i.    SYBIL6 TRACY, b. January 11, 1897; d. Abt. 1942; m. WARREN CURTIS; d. Unknown.

          ii.    FAY J. TRACY, b. March 23, 1899, Staceyville,  ME; d. May 21, 1967, Hartford CT; m. (1) ? WETHERBEE, Private; b. Private; m. (2) HELEN LOUISE LENBERGH, June 22, 1929; b. February 04, 1907; d. March 27, 1963, Hartford CT.

         iii.    BEULAH TRACY, b. May 22, 1905; d. December 31, 1966; m. STANLEY SINCLAIR, Private; b. Private.


97.  FREDERICK5 MORSE (LEONARD4, GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born July 20, 1866395, and died Aft. 1891395.  He married ALLIE J. DUDLEY 1891395.  She was born 1863395, and died Abt. 1900395.



           i.    BESSIE E.6 MORSE395, d. Unknown.


98.  GARFIELD5 MORSE (WILLIAM JUDSON4, GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1883 in White Head, Grand Manan, NB396, and died March 15, 1972 in White Head Grand Manan396.  He married (1) GENEVIEVE SEYMORE.  She died Unknown.  He married (2) LAUREL COOABOOM January 15, 1906 in Grand Manan397.  She was born Abt. 1885 in White Head Grand Manan, and died Abt. 1945 in White Head Grand Manan.



           i.    ERDINE6 MORSE, b. December 23, 1906, White Head Grand Manan; d. February 03, 1946, White Head Grand Manan398.


99.  GEORGE P.5 MORSE (WILLIAM JUDSON4, GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1873 in White Head, Grand Manan, NB399, and died Unknown in Probably Florida.  He married ANNIE E. BLANCHARD October 09, 1893 in Grand Manan400.  She died Unknown.



           i.    LUDLOW6 MORSE, b. Private.

          ii.    FRANK MORSE, b. Abt. 1894; d. Abt. 1903.

         iii.    CHILD MORSE, b. 1903, White Head Grand Manan; d. 1903, White Head Grand Manan401.

         iv.    HELEN MORSE, b. 1904, White Head Grand Manan; d. 1934, White Head Grand Manan; m. CECIL GUPTILL; d. Unknown.

          v.    WILLIAM BROUGHAM MORSE, b. August 23, 1907, White Head Grand Manan; d. June 28, 1965, Grand Manan; m. ESTHER LEONI INGERSOLL, Private; b. Private.

         vi.    RALPH MORSE, b. 1910, White Head Grand Manan; d. Abt. February 1984; m. GRACE ?, Private; b. Private.


100.  JESSE LUDLOW5 MORSE, SR. (WILLIAM JUDSON4, GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born February 26, 1889 in White Head, NB, and died September 28, 1973 in Holbrook,  MA.  He married ADA BERTHA WOODWARD Abt. 1916 in Jonesport,  ME.  She was born May 14, 1894 in Joneport, Washington Co., ME, and died June 25, 1977 in North Easton, MA.


Children of JESSE MORSE and ADA WOODWARD are:

           i.    DORIS ADA6 MORSE, b. Private; m. RICHARD BENHAM, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    LOUISE ROSE MORSE, b. Private; m. VICTOR J. EGOWIN, Private; d. Bef. 1979, Hanson  MA.

         iii.    CLAIRE STINSON MORSE, b. April 20, 1918; d. December 12, 1981402; m. ERNEST J.TONCRAY, Private; b. Private.

         iv.    JESSE LUDLOW MORSE, JR., b. Private; m. ALICE CALUCCI, Private; b. Private.

          v.    PATRICIA HARTLEY MORSE, b. Private.

         vi.    FRANCES MORSE, b. Private; m. GORDEN MCKERNAN, Private; b. Private.

        vii.    ROBERT MILTON MORSE, b. Private; m. WANDA EULA DELLONER, Private; b. Private.

        viii.    ANNE LINDSAY MORSE, b. Private; m. (1) HERBERT GARRETT, Private; b. Private; m. (2) O.J. GRISWOLD, Private; b. Private.

         ix.    RUTH JANE MORSE, b. Private; m. (1) ? SEALES, Private; b. Private; m. (2) JURE LARSON, Private; b. Private.


101.  EMMERLINE5 MORSE (NELSON L.4, GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1)403 was born June 07, 1877 in White Head, Grand Manan, NB, and died April 04, 1957 in White Head, Grand Manan, NB.  She married (1) EDWARD DOUCETT May 17, 1895 in Grand Manan.  He died Unknown.  She married (2) ARNOLD RUSSELL October 27, 1914404.  He died Unknown.



           i.    DELMA6 DOUCETT, b. Private; m. ERMA L. MORSE, Private; b. Private.



          ii.    INA6 RUSSELL, b. Private.

         iii.    EDGAR N. RUSSELL, b. Private.


102.  WARREN5 MORSE (NELSON L.4, GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born May 06, 1892 in White Head, Grand Manan, NB, and died May 07, 1974 in White Head, Grand Manan, NB.  He married (1) EUDUVILLA FLAGG.  She died Unknown.  He married (2) BERTHA FOSTER TITUS.  She died Unknown.



           i.    RITA6 MORSE, b. Abt. 1914, White Head Grand Manan; d. November 24, 1926, White Head Grand Manan405.


103.  CORENA5 MORSE (EMERY WILSON4, GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born April 20, 1886 in White Head, Grand Manan, NB, and died Abt. 1969 in White Head, Grand Manan, NB.  She married EMERY SMITH.  He died Unknown.


Children of CORENA MORSE and EMERY SMITH are:

           i.    CLAUDE6 SMITH, b. Abt. 1913; d. 1994, Grand Manan406.

          ii.    NELLIE SMITH, b. Abt. June 1922; d. November 03, 1979; m. ASHLEY MORSE, Private; b. Private.


104.  CLAUDE THEODORE5 MORSE (EMERY WILSON4, GEORGE3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born January 22, 1895 in Grand Manan407, and died October 30, 1983 in Massachusetts.  He married OPAL COSSABOOM Private.  She was born Private.



           i.    EMERY6 MORSE, b. Private.


105.  ALICE DOROTHY5 ZWICKER (ELIZABETH A.4 MORSE, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1)408 was born in Grand Manan, and died Unknown.  She married FREDERICK GOTT.  He died Unknown.



           i.    RALPH6 GOTT, b. Private; d. Unknown.


106.  OWEN B.5 MORSE (HIRAM4, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born February 03, 1882 in Woodward's Cove, NB, and died March 19, 1965 in St. Andrews, Charlotte Co., NB.  He married (1) BLANCHE TIDD July 21, 1904.  She was born June 03, 1883 in Whale Cove, Grand Manan, and died April 14, 1940 in White Head, NB.  He married (2) HILARY MARY HEBERT September 13, 1944.  She was born Abt. 1911, and died Aft. 1980.


Children of OWEN MORSE and BLANCHE TIDD are:

           i.    ERNEST WASHINGTON6 MORSE, b. April 27, 1904, White Head Grand Manan; d. July 23, 1967, White Head Grand Manan; m. WINNIFRED DORA COSSABOOM, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    ERLING MORSE, b. Abt. April 1905, White Head Grand Manan; d. Abt. 1924, White Head Grand Manan.

         iii.    KENNETH L. MORSE, b. July 09, 1907, Grand Manan; d. July 21, 1980, Grand Manan; m. MURIEL WILSON, Private; b. Private.

         iv.    MARGUERITE MORSE, b. May 11, 1909, Grand Manan; d. September 06, 1976, Grand Manan; m. WILLIAM ERB; d. Abt. May 1959, Grand Manan.

          v.    ETHELSA MORSE, b. Private; m. LEONARD GUPTILL, JR., Private; b. Private.

         vi.    BRADFORD MORSE, b. Private; m. (1) JUANITA F. SMITH, Private; b. Abt. 1923, Grand Manan; d. Abt. 1974, White Head Grand Manan; m. (2) SYLVIA (RICHARDSON) COOKE, Private; b. Private.

        vii.    DONALD MORSE, b. Private; m. ENID HORSEMAN, Private; b. Private.

        viii.    ASHLEY MORSE, b. Private; m. NELLIE SMITH, Private; b. Abt. June 1922; d. November 03, 1979.

         ix.    LOIS MORSE, b. Private; m. VINTON COSSABOOM, Private; d. June 02, 1875.


Children of OWEN MORSE and HILARY HEBERT are:

          x.    HERBERT OWEN6 MORSE, b. Private.

         xi.    ERLING MORSE, b. Private.

        xii.    DAVID MORSE, b. Private.


107.  ALICE VESTA5 MORSE (HIRAM4, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born October 28, 1884 in White Head,  Grand Manan, and died 1980 in White Head,  Grand Manan.  She married (1) WALLACE ZWICKER.  He died Unknown.  She married (2) WALTER TRECARTIN July 18, 1901 in Grand Manan409.  He was born Abt. 1880 in Grand Manan, and died March 17, 1912 in Grand Manan.



           i.    KATHELINE G.6 ZWICKER, b. Private; m. KENTON TATE, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    MYRTLE LINNIE ZWICKER, b. Private; m. CARL SMITH, Private; b. Private.



137.   iii.    HERBERT CHESTER6 TRECARTIN, b. August 16, 1904; d. 1993, White Head Grand Manan.

         iv.    BESSIE TRECARTIN, b. October 28, 1910; d. February 28, 1954; m. HARTFORD INGALLS, Private; b. Private.


108.  MAURETIA5 MORSE (HIRAM4, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born June 01, 1887 in White Head,  Grand Manan, and died July 24, 1905 in Three Island Grand Manan.  She married CLARENCE CHASE May 05, 1904 in Grand Manan.  He died Unknown.



           i.    RETA6 CHASE, b. Private.


109.  DELILAH5 MORSE (HIRAM4, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born April 05, 1889 in White Head,  Grand Manan, and died February 01, 1979 in White Head,  Grand Manan.  She married QUINTON SMALL August 01, 1910.  He died Unknown.



           i.    CARL DOUGLAS6 SMALL, b. Private; m. NANCY GERALDINE MITCHELL, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    HALLIE SMALL, b. June 14, 1915, White Head Grand Manan; d. April 05, 1916, White Head Grand Manan410.

         iii.    FRANCIS H. SMALL, b. January 31, 1920, White Head Grand Manan; d. October 1993, White Head Grand Manan; m. ROWENA WOODWORTH, Private; b. Private.


110.  SUMNER STEWART5 MORSE (HIRAM4, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born July 19, 1891 in White Head,  Grand Manan, and died June 24, 1979 in White Head,  Grand Manan.  He married ALBERTA M.FLEWELLYN.  She was born Abt. 1888, and died 1967.



           i.    WILFRED6 MORSE, b. Abt. August 1919, White Head Grand Manan; d. April 22, 1985, White Head Grand Manan; m. MADELINE KNIGHT, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    ESTHER MORSE, b. Private; m. EDGAR RUSSELL, Private; b. Private.


111.  VIVIAN5 MORSE (HIRAM4, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born September 13, 1893 in White Head,  Grand Manan, and died 1983 in White Head,  Grand Manan.  She married CAPEN OSSINGER.  He died Unknown.



           i.    LALIAH6 OSSINGER, b. Private; m. ? SHERMAN, Private; b. Private.

          ii.    BLANCHE OSSINGER, b. Private; m. JACK GUPTILL, Private; b. Private.

         iii.    HELEN OSSINGER, b. Private; m. ELDRED MOREHOUSE, Private; b. Private.

         iv.    MAYBURY OSSINGER, b. August 10, 1924, White Head Grand Manan; d. August 10, 1996, White Head Grand Manan; m. ELLA FRANKLAND, Private; b. Private.


112.  MARION ELVA5 MORSE (HIRAM4, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born August 13, 1895 in White Head,  Grand Manan, and died November 28, 1951 in Massachusetts.  She married (1) JAMES DALZELL.  He died Unknown.



Marion was raised by Chester & Eva Russell.



           i.    JAMES DALZELL6 DALZELL, b. Private.



          ii.    HELENA RUSSELL6 MORSE, b. Private.


113.  HARRY E.5 MORSE (WEBSTER4, WILLIAM A.3, ASA2, JOHN1)411 was born August 18, 1884 in Cutler, Washington Co.,  ME411, and died March 19, 1975 in Lubec, Washington Co., ME412.  He met MARY G. THERIAULT Bef. 1904 in Trescott, Washington Co., ME413.  She was born Abt. 1892 in Trescott, Washigton Co., ME413, and died Aft. 1910414.



           i.    DELBERT THERIAULT6 MORSE, b. Private.


114.  ALVAH5 MORSE (DANIEL SYDNEY4, DANIEL K.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born June 26, 1886 in Cherryfield,  ME415, and died Abt. 1949 in Unionville, ME416.  He married GENEVA LEIGHTON417.  She was born in Milbridge, ME, and died Unknown.



           i.    VERNON6 MORSE, b. Private.


115.  HELEN N.5 MORSE (ALPHEUS BURTON4, DANIEL K.3, ASA2, JOHN1)418 was born March 03, 1900 in Steuben,  ME418, and died Unknown.  She married HAROLD DAVIS418 December 23, 1915.  He was born in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Unknown.


Children of HELEN MORSE and HAROLD DAVIS are:

           i.    LOUISE6 DAVIS, b. Private.

          ii.    HERBERT DAVIS, b. Private.

         iii.    RALPH DAVIS, b. Private.


116.  MILDRED GRACE5 MORSE (ALPHEUS BURTON4, DANIEL K.3, ASA2, JOHN1) was born Private.  She married WALTER COGSWELL418 Private.  He was born in Cherryfield,  ME, and died Unknown.